9. Spending Time With You

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A/n: I'm giving y'all fluff cause why not <3

Enid Sinclair

I am going to explode. Literally. Saturday went by super duper quick. Today is already Sunday. The day Wednesday and I are going out to the cemetery for our little friendly date. I call it a date because why not. It's just two friends hanging out. Nothing else, nothing more.

"What should I wear, Thing?"

I was busy searching in my closet for clothing to wear. I wanted to look a little more decent, therefore I asked for Thing's opinion.

He tapped on the floorboard, Are you trying to impress Wednesday?

I blushed asap when Thing made his statement. He already knows that I like Wednesday. The hand was aware not to tell her about my crush. He has been giving me advice on what the psychic is into. Knives, bear traps, grenades, and other weapons that are not legal to purchase.

"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. I only have a few options to choose from in my closet," I declared.

I pulled out a hanger attached to a warm sweatshirt. The color was a mix of purple, orange, and pink. It's a nice piece of clothing and one of my favorites to wear. The weather outside will be chilly, so it's good enough for me to have one.

"I should go shopping for clothes someday. I will need to find something to wear soon for the Rave'N dance. Thanks for the help anyways, Thing," I beamed to the limb.

He gave me a thumbs up and scattered away to do his daily routine of applying lotion on himself. I went to my own bathroom and got myself prepared for today. As I was getting ready, I thought about some ways to show Wednesday that I like her more than friends. Just like courting her to an extent. I can't be super obvious about it. I have to take it nice and slow.

After I was at the end of being dressed up, I heard the dorm door click. I peeked out of the bathroom to discover Wednesday entering our room with her long jacket and a striped, black and white long sleeve. Butterflies flapped around the inside of my stomach crazily. I couldn't help but stare a little longer at my lovely crush until I had the chance to make an appearance.

"Hey Wednesday! I was wondering where you ran off to. I thought you would bail out on me."

"Not quite. Principal Weems wanted to see me for a swift checkup, asking if I wanted to have a dorm to myself," Wednesday shared a part of her conference between the principal and her.

The butterfly sensation went away, and my smile faded. I grew anxious that today would be the last day Wednesday would spend time with me before she packs her things and leaves me alone like I used to be last year. It's not like we'll never see each other again. We have classes together, but in this room with just the two of us, including Thing, it is different. I will accept whatever choice she made.

"Your mood changed. I believe that you're assuming I made a decision to move out, right?" Standing still on the opposite side of my room, Wednesday stared blankly without a hint of her state of mind.

I responded, "Y-yeah. I mean, I don't mind if you told Weems you wanted to have a room for yourself. I can totally see why."

I rubbed the back of my head nervously, waiting for Wednesday to say something back. I was internally ready for impact from my roommate's words. I need to pretend like I'm cool with her settlement, but I'll bawl my eyes out after she leaves. Fuck! I am down bad for her.

"The assumption you made is false. I made myself clear to Principal Weems that there's no requirement for me to have a room. Your existence is... tolerable," she paused for a second before completing her sentence.

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