10. Second Victim

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Wednesday Addams

"A werewolf such as myself and the Furs could differ the lengths of our claws. We can have an inch to three inches in length. Compared to a siren, they have an inch and a half. Our nails are wider than sirens. Therefore, we can easily pierce something thicker and solid like metal."

Enid was lecturing her fellow Freaky Friday members. She was stating facts about werewolves and sirens. Earlier, Yoko discussed gorgons and vampires and what their abilities are. I saw some outcasts and normies taking notes for classes they are taking regarding the four main cliques. Surprisingly, Xavier was in front of the classroom to draw examples for Enid and Yoko. He even used his power to bring his art to life. Thorpe did draw a flower and pulled it out of the paper for Bianca, who found it impressive and endearing.

It's sickening. Even more sickening that I am solely focused on Enid. The way she moves her pink lips when talking. Her legs shifted around to go from one spot to another. The werewolf's arm moving to point or gesture something. Even when it's no longer her turn to talk, she's standing to the side of the room with both hands intertwined together and a satisfied smile that can make anyone drop dead because of how pure she is.

Enid's blue eyes are visible from the sunlight hitting her smooth face. I long to get close and stare at them for a period of time. The color reminds me of the ocean. An ocean I would never enter in but rather take a look up close. My roommate understands and accepts my dark humor when I did my best to push her away by using it. I failed, and now she's attached to me like a magnet. And here I am admiring a werewolf who I used to find annoying and odd the first time we met.

"That concludes our lesson as to why every one of us have different body parts to use to defend ourselves when needed. Thank you all for coming, and we hope to see you on Friday for a horrifying activity," Sinclair exaggeratedly publicized.

Some peers looked a bit nervous about the activity. As for me, I felt a cupid shoot an arrow through my heart because of the way Enid sounded using the word horrifying. My influence has been rubbing off on her.

"Hey Enid! I just want to say you are doing the lord's work by building this club. A lot of the outcasts at school get along because of you. A fight broke out between an outcast and normie a couple days ago. The same outcast came to your club on Friday and realized that he should apologize to the normie. Then they got along and became friends," a random male spoke to Enid.

I kept my eyes on him as he was a little too close to Enid. She didn't notice nor minded it, keeping the innocent grin on her face. But I minded it. No one shouldn't be this close to a person when interacting. I felt furious and was ready to get out of my seat to threaten the boy. I was at a halt when another male came up to Enid as well.

"I'm really glad my club is helping. That is why I created it for a reason," the vivid girl was proud of herself.

"Do you think we can help you out with anything?" The second boy offered.

I had enough of hearing them. I raised to my feet and headed to the three teens. Before I could reach them, a specific word made me stop in my tracks.

"The alpha doesn't need help, you idiot. She has Yoko and both of them can handle it like the big girls they are."

"Sheesh! I was just asking. Sorry."

"You boys should go. There's someone else that wants to chat with me," Enid directly glanced at me.

I felt myself stiffen when the two werewolves turned around to see me behind them.

"We're sorry Wednesday! We'll leave Enid to you. Just don't kill us," they both walked away briskly.

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