11. A Fun Rave'N

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Enid Sinclair

This past week has flown by at the speed of light. It was a shitty and an unnerving week. Wednesday and I had been keeping check on Eugene. He was unconscious for an extra day before he awoke. Everyone close to him was relieved that he is fine. When we bombarded Eugene with a bunch of questions such as who attacked him, he wasn't able to remember much from the incident. It happened too fast is what he said. He did hear his attacker growling that didn't belong to a werewolf or any other species that he knows of.

Overall, it's disheartening that Eugene is in this position. If I could, I would trade places with him. What mattered the most is that he will be okay. Wednesday and I have been taking care of his bees while he stayed at the hospital. It won't be another two days till he is released and recovered fully. Thankfully, Eugene will be able to attend the Rave'N. It lands on a Saturday. A day before Parent's Day.

I'm stoked for the dance. I want to ask Wednesday out to the Rave'N. Though, I don't know if she'll want to go. It involves showing off your moves on the dance floor, dressing formally, and socializing, in which Wednesday doesn't do either one. She's the only person I'd want to take to the dance. I will go with Eugene, assuming that my roommate wouldn't want to be invited.

Yoko has a plus one, and it's none other than Divina. Xavier had the courage to ask Bianca and accepted to be his date. Ajax found a really hot siren and decided to pair up with her for the Rave'N. I'm really excited that my friends will have someone to go with. I am even more thrilled to find a perfect outfit to wear. This time, I want to impress Wednesday.

I want to look good for her even though she doesn't know I really like her. I wonder what my roommate will do during the dance if she accepts to be my date. I pray that the DJ won't play any slow dance music. It would be awkward knowing that Wednesday isn't the type to be touchy, and I'll be waiting for the music to end. Though, I respect her boundaries. I'd never force her to do anything she's uncomfortable with. I'm all about making her happy. Even if she doesn't show it. That's what matters to me the most.

"Okay, Thing. I need your advice to pick out some clothing for the Rave'N. You and I can go on a shopping spree together without Wednesday knowing. I want a formal outfit that will blow Wednesday's mind. Before we can do that, I need to ask her to be my plus one. Now that's going to be a challenge for me. A very difficult one," I paced back and forth.

My crush wasn't in the room, leaving the disembodied hand and I to have a private conversation. I needed Thing's help because he knows Wednesday better than I do. He's like a wingman.

Have you thought of any ideas on how you will ask Wednesday out to the dance? Thing inquired.

"The only thing I thought of was to ask her face to face. It's a terrible idea because I will literally have a full blown panic attack and might pass out if I'm in front of Wednesday. I know it's stupid since I've talked to her without freaking out, but it's different when it comes to asking her to be my date for the night. What should I do?" I stopped striding and ogled Thing.

Do what feels natural to you. It's not my place to tell you what you should plan to ask Wednesday to the dance.

"Oh come on Thing! You're my last resort. Help a friend out. I'll buy you lots of the hand cream I got you weeks ago," I tried convincing him.

Nope. You got this, Enid. Follow your instinct. Although, I will help you find an outfit. That's all I can do to assist you.

"Ugh! Thing! I am going to die. Whether it's Wednesday murdering me for asking her out or from a serious cardiac arrest, I'll die! Can you tell her for me?" I pleaded.

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