16. Exposure

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Enid Sinclair

I was right all along from the beginning. I'm turning out to be a lone wolf. A werewolf who still cannot transform. That doesn't hurt me though. What really damaged me was Wednesday's words. So painful that a part of me died. The days that my roommate and I haven't talked felt out of place. It's like we were meant to chat with each other. It hurts knowing Wednesday will never love me the way I love her. I feel trapped.

"Divina is so cute and romantic! She came over to my dorm yesterday just to give me flowers and blood. I am literally going to put a ring on her finger," Yoko smiled with her fangs showing.

"Never would I have guessed that you would be very happy this early in the morning," I plastered a grin for my friend to see.

She and I were having breakfast together inside the cafeteria. Thing tagged along with us and hid in my school bag. Eventually, he left to bring Fester a tray of food. I was relieved that Yoko didn't question the hand taking food into my dorm. She thought it was for Wednesday.

"I know right! You could say that I'm now looking forward to seeing and hanging out with Divina everyday," the vampire elaborated her feelings.

"I'm happy that you got the guts to confess your love for her," I carefully elbowed Tanaka's hips before wiggling my eyebrows.

"I almost made a fool out of myself."

"Even if you did, Divina's feelings for you wouldn't change."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry about whatever happened between you and Wednesday. I can tell you really miss her," Yoko emphasized.

"I do miss her. I mean, she's there with me in the dorm, but I miss talking to her. I miss us walking to class, doing small adventures, and just keeping each other company. Everything feels unnatural now that we are no longer talking," I spilled my emotions.

"She will come around, friend. I'm sure of it," Yoko patted my back to comfort me.

"Maybe..." I muttered hopelessly.

"I know what can cheer you up. How about a makeover at your dorm? We can have our own sleepover too," Yoko showed off her pearly white teeth.

Oh shit. Oh shit! OH SHIT!

I never declined Yoko's offer when it comes to having a makeover session and a sleepover. I absolutely enjoy spending quality time with my friend. Sadly, I'll need to decline. She doesn't know that I am hiding Fester in my room for his and Wednesday's sake. Yoko will freak out if she sees him.

"Can we push it some other time? I know you're trying to help me, but it would be better if I feel a little more energetic to hangout. I could ruin the mood," I tried making up an excuse which thankfully Yoko bought.

"I have no problem with it. Whenever you're feeling up to it, let me know."

"Thanks Yoko. It means a lot."

"Anytime Sinclair. Off topic though, I wish it's Friday already. I am so over homework, and I rather use the time to fool around with my girlfriend," the pale girl puffed out.

"TMI, Yoko. You're obsessed with her," I shook my head in disbelief.

"I can't help it. Y'know how vampires are. They tend to be possessive over what is theirs. Same goes for you lycanthropes," my vampire friend smirked.

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