13. No Need to Hyde

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Wednesday Addams

Blackmailing is an expertise of mine. All because of my expressionless personality, people will do as I say unless they prefer to face the consequences given to them by me. I find it satisfying. If someone dares to blackmail me, I would have their head. However, this is not the case, and it hurts to admit it.

Unknown finally came out of the dark cave they have hidden for the past two weeks. They kept their word about leaving me alone for that time period. Now, the culprit messaged me with a terrifying threat and included a task for me to do. A task I wish was different. I have a time limit, and it's not enough. To prevent myself from performing the job Unknown wants me to do, I need to know who's behind the screen.

Enid and I have come to terms that Tyler Galpin is the Hyde who tried hurting Eugene and was the one who appeared in my vision. He or his master could be Unknown. If I confront Tyler and get him to confess that he's responsible for threatening my friends and I by texting me, then there's no requirement to act on the task Unknown wants me to get done. I rather Unknown stab me multiple times than commit a heinous action. I need Enid's help.

"You know, your birthday is coming up in two days. Are you planning to celebrate it?"

I finished playing a tune on my cello when Enid asked me a question. We were out on the balcony during a cold, dark night. Thing was busy changing my script until I had enough practice on my instrument. He then jumped onto the ground and made his way to Enid's lap where she was sitting on her desk chair she brought out.

"No. I stopped celebrating it at the age of eleven. Having a group of people singing a happy birthday song to me is embarrassing to my ears," I uttered straightforwardly.

"I kinda figured you would say something like that. What about presents? Do you accept them?" Enid queried once more.

"I do as long as they are medieval torture devices or taxidermy kits with live animals inside."

"Eww! That's not a great gift to receive. Well, for me that is," my crush made a disgusted face.

"Are you going to give me something for my birthday?" It was my turn to interrogate my roommate.

"Maybe. Maybe not," Enid shrugged with a small grin.

I let out an exhale from my nose and responded back, "You're easy to read, Sinclair. You got me a present, didn't you?"

"Okay, I did. I really hope you like it when I give it to you," the werewolf confessed.

"Depends what it is."

Regardless, I'll enjoy it.

"You'll just have to wait and see," Enid goofily smiled.

"Fine," I murmured, knowing I have to be patient.

The leader of the Furs began yawning from exhaustion. I checked the clock on my phone for it to be a quarter past ten. It was time to bring my belongings inside my bedroom and get ready to sleep. Before I began moving everything back in the dorm, I had to request something from the lycanthrope.


"Yes, Wednesday?" Her head perked up to give her attention to me.

"I've been thinking of confronting Tyler at the fact that he's the one who hurt Eugene. Would you like to accompany me by recording our interactions secretly without him knowing. If he spills everything, it'll be an abundance amount of evidence to show Principal Weems. She'll expel Tyler, and he will be sent to prison," I explained my idea.

"And what about his master? They won't get caught unless Tyler tells you who they are, which I doubt," Enid was concerned.

"I will force him to give me a name. So, are you willing to complete your part of the mission or do I have to find a replacement?" I stood up with my cello in hand.

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