Chapter One

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"Zeek," a rough voice comes from the intercom scaring Zeek out of his thoughts.

"Yes sir?" he rolls his eyes pressing the red button to reply to his boss.

"I need you to come into my office now!" the voice replies with much demand on his part.

"Yes sir, I'm on my way," Zeek replies grabbing his tie, that he had tossed on the back of his chair as soon as he walked into his office, tightening it around his tie as he gets ready to walk into what he knows is about to be a warzone. Ezekiel's uncle, Vern Hines, runs multiple multi-million-dollar hotels all around the city of Chicago, Illinois, and he is ready to expand to different areas, unbeknown to Zeek.

"Ezekiel are you still there?" Vern asks when he didn't see his nephew come through his door after a couple of minutes passed, Zeek knew better than to answer back instead he puts on his navy-blue blazer and walks out of his office.

"Morning Mr. Ezekiel," one of the employees says in passing.

"Morning Sanders, how's your mom doing?"

"She's doing fine, thanks for asking."

"No problem," he smiles opening the door that leads to Vern's office. Ezekiel is manager of Hines Height, and when he first got there Vern made it known that only he would be the one that the employees would call Mr. Hines, and Zeek would be just Zeek. "You wanted to see me Vern?" Zeek opens the door after knocking three times.

"Sit down," he orders not even looking up from his laptop.

Oh God Zeek thinks as he slowly sits down in the cold leather seats waiting impatiently for his boss to finishing so that he can get to the point of this meeting.

"You're family Zeek," his uncle starts to move the paperwork all around his desk, "and family always have each other's back right?" he looks at Zeek for the first time since he has been in his office.


"So, I need you to do me a huge favor."

"And that would be what exactly?"

"I need you to relocate to Atlanta and be the manager of the new hotel that I am opening up there."

"I don't undst- why?"

"Well for one I like your managerial skills, and the people that work here really respect you so I know that I can trust you to run that business smoothly without my supervision."

"But what about Robert, Chris, or even Hillary, they can manage that hotel well too."

"Hillary isn't ready yet, which is why she is coming to this hotel, Robert has a family, another baby on the way, so he doesn't need to be moving around like that. Also, he's managing the hotel in Houston, and Chris is just Chris, he can't get his personal life together so why would I let him be in charge of anything? So that leaves me with you, you and your wife don't have any kids, and from my understanding aren't planning on having any anytime soon, plus Logan doesn't really have a steady job."

"It might not be steady, but she is always busy with multiple events that she is planning. It might not be steady, but she brings extra money to the table."

"I understand all of that, but you understand where I am coming from?"

"I-I'll try."

"Good I want you to go down Monday."

"Today's Thursday."

"I'm well aware of what today is Zeek."

"Well, wh-when did construction start?"

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