Chapter Ten

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"Okay, so I found this club that I know that you would like, it's very spacious, but has a very classy vibes about it," Logan informs Jacob through her blue-tooth as she gets ready to meet up with him in a half an hour. Before meeting with him she decided to go to the store to go grocery shopping for this recipe that she found online so that she can make it tonight for dinner instead of them going out.

Make it more intimate.

"That's cool, I have a few notes that I have taken with a few notes when I was talking with a few of my friends."

"Okay cool, we'll discuss that more when we meet up, but I have another question for you, will Dylan be in attendance with us?" she questions hoping that he would say no.

"He might not be able to join us, he has a house tour that was scheduled around the time of this meeting, but he told me that he will try to be there so that I don't make any 'fuck ups' while planning."

"Last time I checked this is your party, and your decisions that you have to make in order for this event to go the way you want it," she emphasizes thankful that she packed a bottle of Ibuprofen in her bag, Dylan wasn't even going to be there, and he was already giving her a slight headache.

"I understand that, but he doesn't like to listen to anybody but himself."

Trust me I know.

"Then why are you letting him help you with this?"

"He wasn't helping at first, he wanted nothing to do with my party. But out of nowhere he calls me saying that he found the perfect event planner to help me, and that he was going to pay. At first I thought that he was just being nice for treating me as if he was above me all these years, but when I saw your name on the card I knew better."

"Oh," she didn't know why, but Logan felt guilty after that statement. She had witness firsthand of Dylan belittling Jacob and had to put him in his place on more than one occasion, all because he wasn't like your typical 'black guy'. While Dylan loves to listen to Hip-Hop, R&B, and Rap, Jacob was more interested in Heavy Metal and Punk Rock. While Dylan likes to play sports such as football and basketball, Jacob was on the skateboard. The only thing that they had in common was that they both share the same parents.

Even though Dylan likes to think that Jacob is adopted.

"It's nothing really, I don't have to pay for anything. But since it might just be the two of us we could get more done in the next couple of hours."

"Finally," she jokes heading towards the other side of the store to pick out some personal hygiene.

"Can I ask you something Logan?"

"Go ahead."

"I don't want you getting back with Dylan."

"I-I'm not, I don't know if you remember Jacob, but I'm married."

Happily married.

"I understand that, but I don't think my brother does. I seen the way that he looked at you when we're at the diner. Now I don't know your husband, but I know that he's better for you than my brother. When you were with Dylan, he was aging you, while now you look youthful, healthy even."

"You have nothing to worry about Jake, I'm not going to downgrade my happiness to go back to your brother."

"That's all that I need to hear, alright I see you when I see you," they both said their farewells before hanging up the phone. Make her way to the Health & Beauty section she went to pick some up some feminine products that she purposefully forgotten when she went shopping with Dylan. Picking up a few liners and tampons to last her a while, she spots a section of pregnancy tests. Feeling a lump form in her throat she quickly shakes it off before her emotions gets the best of her, she didn't want to be caught crying in the middle of the aisle like last time. Stuck in her own little world she turns around not paying attention to the little girl that was running around the corner, and ends ups hitting her head against the basket that Logan was holding falling down in the process. "oh my God, are you okay sweetie?" she stoops down to the child's level checking her head making sure that she didn't have any scratches, or bumps, on her. She has flawless tan skin that is lightly decorated with freckles across her nose. Almond shape brown eyes, which was playful but intense at the same time, and a headful of dark brown curly hair that comes just past her shoulders.

"You smell nice," the little girl gives her a crocked smile showing off her missing bottom tooth.

"Thank you," Logan stares at the child's face wondering why she looks so familiar, but she couldn't pinpoint who she looks like.

Even though it was right at the tip of her tongue.

"Genesis!" a blonde woman comes around the corner frantically looking around until she spots the child, who Logan now knows name is Genesis, and catches her breath. "My God Gen what did I tell you about running off from mommy like that!" she places her hand over her chest trying to get her breathing back in order. Logan couldn't blame her. She didn't know how she would act if she knew that her child was in just arm's length of her then turn around and they're not there anymore.

"I'm sorry mommy," Genesis gets up, with the help of Logan, and walks towards her mom with her head down saddened that she made her mom mad for the second time today.

"I'm so sorry, she didn't bother you, did she?" the mother looks up at Logan while having a tight hold on Genesis.

"Oh, no ma'am, she was a sweetheart, I was just making sure that she didn't hurt herself when she bumped into my basket."

"I don't know what I'm going to do with her. But again, I'm sorry, come on Gennie," she grabs Genesis's hand as they walk out of the aisle.

"Bye," Genesis smiles, waving with her free hand, before they were out of Logan's sight. That one smile looked too familiar to Logan for her to deny who that little girl looks just like.


"Thank you, Mr. Fredricks, I'll be sure to get in touch with you if we make the decision to give you the job," Zeek gives a fake smile to the man sitting in front of him in the meeting room.

"Thank you so much Mr. Hines, and Mrs. Turks I look forward to the call," the sweaty, heavy-bodied, man smiles as he shakes both of their hands before walking out of the room.

"I don't like him," Zeek says after a few minutes of silence passes by as he gets up stretching his stiff limbs from back-to-back interviews.

"I do, sure he was a little not well put together and talkative, and his resume might be a little dated. But he might be a fantastic addition to the employees here."

"And where exactly are we going to put him, I specifically asked for cooks, waiters, and housekeepers, he fits none of those?"

"He can work at the front desk, we could always use the help," Rose shrugs looking at her tense boss, that was their sixth interview in a day and they had more to come tomorrow.

"Alright, if you think that he would be perfect for the front desk fine, he's your responsibility. But as soon as he messes up, don't think that there will not be an I told you so from me."

"And when he goes above and beyond in the front desk, I won't think twice with doing the same for you," she gets up collecting the paper works neatly stuffing them in her folder.

"Fair enough, tomorrow morning I want you to give him the call and tell him the good news. I'll be in my office if you need anything," he walks out of the room to his office. Like any other days, he was ready to go home, and sleep. Just as he sat down in his leather join ready to get the paperwork that was across his desk his office phone rings. "So they're just letting any types of calls come through without letting me know," he mutters picking up the phone, "Ezekiel Hines," he rubs the bridge of his nose as he continues to look over the paperwork.

"Hello there Ezekiel," a female voice greets him causing Zeek to stop what he's doing looking up confused.

"Um, who is this?" the voice didn't sound like anybody that he knew, mainly his wife.

"It's me Robert," the woman laughs and Zeek knew exactly who it was, there is only one woman who calls him by his middle name religiously.

"Oh my God, Carla?"

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