Chapter Fifteen

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Logan wakes up from her deep slumber rolling on her side, so that she could cuddle with her husband, until she felt the cold touch of the cotton sheets underneath her fingers telling her that Zeek hasn't been there for a while. Sitting up she rubs her fingers over her eyes getting the crust out of the corner of her eye. "Zeek!" she yells out hoping that he was in the house, "Zeek!" she calls out again after clearing her throat, sucking her teeth she turns on the lamp on her side and looks back over at his side noticing a crumble piece of paper in between the pillows.

Had to go into the office today,

I'll try to come home as early as I can.

-Love you, Zeek

Wrapping the sheets around her body, she makes her way over to her closet picking out random clothes to wear. For the past couple of days Zeek has been staying home with Logan, and she has been loving it. She wanted him to stay home a couple of days after he told her everything about his life before meeting her and she just wanted him to have a couple of days to just get himself together. "All by myself!" she sings walking throughout the room letting the air dry her skin as she puts on a random house dress, since she didn't plan on going anywhere. Walking down the stairs, to get something to eat, she hears two knocks then the doorbell ringing. "What the hell, it's not even noon and I already have people bothering me," she mutters walking towards the door when there was another knock, "I'm coming!" she tries to hide the irritation from showing in her voice just incase it's one of the neighbors finally greeting them into the neighborhood. But seeing the looks on their faces when they saw her she knew that wasn't going to happen any time soon. "Who is it?" she asks scratching her hair that was in a puffball on top of her head.

"It's Dylan," a deep voice replies from the other side.

Oh my God she rolls her eyes as she slowly opens the door halfway.

"What do you want?" she asks leaning against the doorframe crossing her arms over her chest wishing that she put on something else as she watches eyeing her legs. She remembers him always complimenting her legs whenever she worn sundress, or in her case house dresses. "Dylan?" she calls his name feeling slightly uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Huh?" he finally looks up at her with a disoriented expression, with a mixture of embarrassed that he got caught.

"What are you doing here?" she asks again but this time slower.

"I haven't seen, or heard from, you in a couple of days, just making sure that everything was alright. Can I come in?" against her better judgement Logan opens the door wide enough for him to walk through.

"You know that you could've just called me, right?"

"I did, a few times, but I just gotten your voicemail."

"Then you could have asked your brother, I've been keeping contact with him about the party."

"That little nigga isn't going to tell me anything," he rolls his eyes annoyed at the mention of his brother.

"Well then I can't help you with that," she shrugs as he makes himself comfortable on the couch.

"So, where's the main that is holding your attention for now?"

"What did I tell you about all that? My husband is at work, someplace you need to be."

"Man, whatever," he waves her off as she walks into the kitchen to find some type of food to eat.

"Yeah sure, just come into my house and eat whatever you want," Logan mutters to herself as she watches him come back into the area with a water bottle in his hand.

"I forgot that y'all are vegans and shit, don't have no type of meat in that fridge," he looks around the living room admiring the decoration, "I like the way you decorated the place, has a nice feminine touch to it."

"Thanks, but my husband did all the decorating at our place, I just added a few things here and there," she sits on the couch waving his compliment off focusing on her nails taking notes that she needs to get a good manicure soon. Feeling his eyes on her she grabs the blanket that was laying on the arm draping it across her body.

"I don't know why you're covering yourself up, I've already seen your body naked on multiple occasions," Dylan sits down across from her on the coffee table with a cocky grin spread across her smooth face.

"So has Zeek, what's your point," she looks up at him through her lashes.

"My point is that he can't hit it like I can."

"I'm still satisfied, so that's all that matters," she tosses the blanket off of her getting up heading towards the kitchen, pulling down her dress when she feels it rising up.

I should have worn sweatpants.

Pulling down a small glass she opens the fridge to grab the bottle of lemonade that she bought from the store a while back. She tries to ignore his presence behind her as she takes in the sweet tangy liquid, until she jumps feeling his arms wrapping around her waist.

"So, he doesn't hit it like me?" Dylan whispers into her ear taking in her scent.

"Leave it alone Dylan," she rolls her eyes downing the rest of her drink hoping that it would cool down her body as the temperature starts to rise.

"You can go on and keep thinking that you're with your prince charming."

"That's because I am," she made the mistake of looking over her shoulder at him, their lips just centimeters away from each other.

"If you are then why haven't you pushed me away yet?" he brushes his lips over hers happy that she didn't pull back. Logan didn't respond due to her being hypnotized by the scent of his aftershave, "Logan?"

"Hm?" she looks up at him cross-eyed she saw his mouth moving but didn't hear anything coming out of it, she watches as he slowly moves his closer, than it already was, towards her.

Her mind, and heart, was telling her to fight the temptations.

But other parts of her was saying go it.

She ignores all the warnings and met his lips.

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