Chapter Two

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"Do you want to stop and get anything to eat, or do you want to wait till we get to our destination?" Zeek asks as the couple drive down the highway in their rental car.

"Can we afford to eat out, closing that lease on the apartment put a huge dent in both of our accounts," Logan leans against the seat both mentally and emotionally exhausted from the two of them trying to pack up the whole apartment, putting aside of few changes of clothes for themselves while also trying to stay out of the movers way.

"I just need a simple answer Lo," Zeek makes sure nobody is in the right lane as he switches lanes to get from behind the slow driver that was in front of him.

"We can wait," she snaps as she tries to get comfortable in the car. They had to leave both of their car back in Chicago so that it could come to Atlanta without any type of extra mileage on the cars.

"That's fine," Zeek replies wanting to say something else but decided against it, the last thing that he wants to do is argue with Logan with tension still active between them since Friday.

"Will you be able to get off of work early tomorrow?" Logan asks closing her eyes leaning against the window.

"I can't make any promises, tomorrow is the opening day of the hotel and I have to meet the employees and make sure they are all settled in and everything. I wish Vern would have given me at least a two-week notice before he sprung this information on me."

"So he literally just told you Friday that you were going to be managing this hotel?"

"I already told you this honey, and I hate when he does this, it makes me look like I'm unprofessional and that I don't know what I'm doing."

"I think that you should look into owning your own hotel in the future, you have the background, and the brains, to run a successful business," she places her hand gently on his thigh.

"You give me too much credit love," he barely smiles keeping his eyes on the road as he takes one hand off the steering wheel to intertwine their fingers together.

"I've been thinking," Logan adjusts herself, for what seems to be the tenth time since they have been in the car, fighting the urge to close her eyes, "to save a little bit of money instead of staying in some cheap motel we could stay at my mom's place since she has extra rooms."

"Have you talked to Ms. Gloria about this?"

"No, it just popped into my head a couple of minutes ago."

"I wish that the thought would have popped into to your head when we were talking about finding a place to stay as we were packing this just seems very last minute to me."

"Oh you would know a lot about that wouldn't you."

"Alright what's up with you?"


"If that's what you want to keep telling yourself," Zeek mutters as Logan rolls her eyes trying not to reply.

"You know what something is bothering me, been bothering me since you told me about this position that you are going to be taking."

"I'm all ears," he gently rubs his thumb across her delicate hand.

"Am I going to be your main priority?"

"W-What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I am talking about Zeek," she tries to snatch her hand out of his hold, but he tightens it before she could really do so.

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