Chapter Seven

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With last night still on his mind Zeek couldn't concentrate on the work in front of him, he wanted to be around his wife. So, he decided to leave work extra early to pick up where they left off, but all of that went out the window when he pulls into the driveway to see his wife hugged up on another man.

What the hell is this?

Taking a good look at the guy he feels his body getting hot when he notices that it is Dylan who is holding Logan in an intimate like hold as he rubs his fingers up and down her back, "You got to be fucking kidding me," Zeek mutters snatching his keys out of the ignition as he gets out of his car making sure that he slams it shut behind him in hops of that getting their attention. When it didn't he casually leans against the front of his car crossing his arms in the process just watching Logan acting like she doesn't have two rings on her left hand. Clearing his throat, she looks right at Logan as she tenses up and pushes Dylan away before putting her attention on Zeek.

When did he get here?

"Oh, please don't mind me," Zeek smiles holding up his hand before crossing it with his other, "continue actually, I just find it quite amusing to come home to see my wife hugging some guy, who she claims she doesn't know, with so much intimacy," his smiles deepen showing off his dimples, even though it lacks to reach his eyes as it bounces back between the two former lovers.

"Why are you home so early?"is the first thing that comes out of Logan's mouth and she quickly regrets when his smiles drop, and a stone face take its place.

"I wanted to spend time with my wife, but I guess she has other plans in mind."

"No, nothing happened, Dylan was just kind enough to take me grocery shopping, we need food for the house."

"And you couldn't wait till this weekend for us to do that like we originally planned?" he gives her a questioning look eager to hear how she's going to get out of this.

"I just didn't want to eat out all the time."

"Then we could have eaten at your mother's house, she's been asking for us to come over for some time now. Or better yet you could have called me, your husband, and we could have sorted this whole thing out," he tries to keep his cool and not argue in front of the house, especially not in front of Dylan, "but I guess that must have slipped through your mind right," he walks past the two walking into the house.

"Fuck," Logan mutters rubbing her eyes going after him but felt an arm gently grabbing her elbow.

"Are you going to be okay going into the house?" Dylan asks with concern written all over his face.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I wouldn't be married to him if I thought that he would put me in danger," she wiggles her arm out of his hold before going into the house shutting the door behind her. Rubbing her clammy hands together she walks towards the kitchen hoping to by her some time before she talks to Zeek, but the tension in the house was getting to her. Dropping the items in her hand she strolls down the hallway that leads towards his office. Opening the door, she sees her husband pacing back and forth with his tie loosen around his neck.

"He was just being nice Zeek."

"Of course he was," he laughs as he continues to pace, "how did this happened in the first place, how did he get your number to even contact you?"

"W- he has my number because he's working with me to help plan his brother's party."

"That didn't look much like you guys were planning anything to me," he stops to look at her as leans against his desk.

"My car is in the shop Zeek!"

"I know that, and I know that Dylan was with you during that time also."

"So what was I supposed to do?"

"Oh I don't know, pick up your phone and call me to tell me that you plan on going grocery shopping, I could have gotten off of work gave you my car, drop me off at work, do what you had to do, then pick me up. It's quite simple actually."

"Can you stop staring at me like that!"

"Like what?'

"Like you're mad at me."

"Oh I'm not mad I'm pissed. Cause now I know that you're lying to me."

"I'm not ly-"

"What is the history between you and Dylan, and don't bullshit me either. I've seem the way he looked at you when we looked at this house, I've seen the way he was touching you when you two were hugging, and I didn't miss that smug look on his face when you two got caught."

"You make it sound like something else is going on?"

"Is there?"

"I'm going to act like I didn't hear that come out of your mouth."

"Well hear me now, is there something between the two of you."

"This jealousy that you have is really childish."

"And you lying isn't?"

"There is nothing going on between the two of us!" she snaps even though she didn't mean to.

But she did.

"I see," he nods his head straightening his tie before picking his keys up off the desk.

"Where are you going?" she quickly follows him.

"Back to work," he replies nonchalantly looking in the hallway mirror to make sure that he looks semi decent before heading out the door.

"But you just got home!" she cries as he opens the front door.

"To spend some time with my wife, and that has been shot to hell. Why don't you call Dylan back and spend time with him?"

"Ze-" she is cut off by him slamming the door behind him causing the whole house to shake, "dammit!"

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