Chapter Six

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Logan wakes up squinting her eyes from the bright sunrays peeking through the opening of the blinds telling her that it is morning, reaching over, to where she thought her husband was, she is greeted with nothing but emptiness, "Zeek!" she calls out scratching her head, which is in need of a protein treatment, she sits up letting the sheet fall of her body noticing her phone blinking. Letting out a yawn she flinches at the smell of her breath before looking at the message that Zeek sent her.

Zeekie -> I tried to wake you up to say that I was leaving, but you were in a deep sleep. I'll see you when I get home, I love you.

"Love you too baby," she mutters placing her phone back on the nightstand before laying back on the bed, when she found herself not drifting off back to sleep as a half an hour passed by, she thought that she might as well get ready for the day. After getting out of the shower she stands in her closet trying to find an outfit to wear for the day. When nothing jumped out at her she just decided to wear a basic outfit, walking to her dresser she takes out a pair of black leggings and a white tank top before walking to Zeek's closet to get a light blue dress shirt that he barely wears, so she knows that wouldn't mind if she wears it.

He wouldn't mind too much.

After placing what she plans to wear on the neatly made bed she gets herself ready for the shower she desperately needs. As the hot water pounds against her body her mind wonders back to the sensual event that happened just several hours ago. The tender touches, the lustful kisses, and the hunger in both of their eyes, Logan feels herself getting hot all over again, "he'll be home in a few hours,' she has to remind herself as she tries to gain control of her hormones. "Oh I feel so much better!" she shouts getting out of the shower not caring if the whole neighborhood hears her. Walking towards her phone she connects it to her Bluetooth speaker and let music fill the room.

I'm in love with a man, nearly twice my age.

Don't know what it is, but it's a hit from my youthful days.

As I go my way, I don't care what people say.

I'm in love with a man, nearly twice my age!

(Shabba Ranks ft Crystal- Twice My Age)

She couldn't help but to smile when Make it Clap comes on next. Zeek has a video of her drunk, on the night of their wedding, dancing with her close friends as the sing and dance to the song. To make matters worse the opening part of the song became Logan's ringtone, when she calls Zeek, shortly afterwards.

After braiding down her freshly washed and moisturized hair she continues on with her morning routine. Bobbing her head to the music that is playing to fades out when her phone starts to ring.

Unknown Caller

She watches it as it continues to ring contemplating on whether or not she should answer it. As soon as the ringing stops it picks back up.

"I guess," she shrugs answering the phone, "yes?"

"It's about time that you answered the phone," a deep voice laughs on the other line.

"Who is this?" she stops wondering who this stranger was talking to her

"Trin, baby, you should've saved my number when I texted you," when he said that it finally clicked to who she is talking to.


"Why are you calling me?" she asks as she rubs shea butter onto her body.

"I just want to talk to you, you know, catch up, we can go grab some coffee or something," he offers with hope in his voice.

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