Chapter Seventeen

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"You have been avoiding me Trin," Dylan wraps his arms around her waist noticing some slight changes in her physique.

"Stop it!" she forcefully pushes him away, "and don't touch me," she warns walking away from him.

"That's not what you were saying to me about a month ago now was it."

"I was stupid, I have a husband that I lo-"

"Don't try to act like you're the faithful type and shit, cause we both know that is a lie," he smirks following behind her as she makes sure that everything was ready for the party that was happening in less than two hours. A couple of weeks back Ezekiel had informed Logan that he was able to get the ballroom room since the original people cancelled their event. A few days later Zeek gave the tour of the ballroom ignoring the sly comments exiting out of Dylan's mouth. At least he tried, he couldn't help but to catch some of the sexual remarks that he made towards Logan. Keeping things professional he kept the things that he wanted to say in the back of his throat. He also couldn't help but to notice how quite Logan was, usually when he gives a tour with one of the clients, she is the one overtalking him in this aspect, but at that moment she was as quiet as a church mouse. After Zeek found Logan in the shower he has noticed some differences in her behavior; she doesn't really hold verbose conversation with him, doesn't look him in the eyes, and hasn't been real intimate with him. Not that he's complaining about the last part, ever since he seen the 'bruise' on Logan's neck, which wasn't caused by him, he hasn't feel the need to touch her in that way.

"I really don't have time for this, what we did was a mistake," she stops walking to face him taking a few steps back when she sees that he's too close to her.

"Was it a mistake the first round or the third round?" Dylan plays with his chin hair with a condescending smirk on his face.

"Look just leave me alone," she rolls her eyes turning around just to see Jacob staring at her before he shakes his head in disappointment before walking away.

Oh God!

"Jacob," she quickly walks after him feeling the need to explain herself, "Ja-"

"If what you're about to tell me isn't about the party then I don't want to hear whatever it is that you're about to tell me," Logan was taken aback by the tone that he used towards her.


"You fucked my brother Logan seriously?"

"Shhh!" she looks around anxiously pushing him into an area where the workers wouldn't be able to hear.

"I can't believe that yo-" he laughs rubbing between his eyebrows, "I met your husband, and that is a complete upgrade from what you had with Dylan and you're gonna go back to that, after everything that he put you through. That man that you are married to is in love with you, too bad I can't say the same thing about you."

"I am in love with Zeek," Logan steps back offended that he would say something like that.

"I can't tell since you did what you did with my brother."

"I'm sorry!"

"I'm not the one that you need to be apologizing to. Tonya said that she heard you sick in the bathroom, I guess I should say good luck with the baby, you're gonna need it," he walks away leaving her shock that he knows about her little secret.

"You're pregnant?" she turns around to see Dylan standing there with shock written on his face.

"Fuck," she mutters rubbing her temples as she walks away without saying anything. She feels her blood pressure rising with everything that is going on. She found out that she is expecting a few days ago after missing two consecutive months of her cycle, a part of her thought is was just stress from everything that has been going on for the past couple of months, but the answer that showed up on the home pregnancy, and the confirmation that she got from the doctor's appointment early this morning, revealed what she didn't want.

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