Chapter Five

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One Week Later

"Thank God this is almost over," Zeek says as he sits down on the couch tired, the last of the movers has just left leaving everything in their designated areas, which made unpacking much easier.

"Yep," Logan mutters as she plays a game on the phone, Zeek looks at her getting aggravated by her attitude that she has been having since they stepped foot into this house.

That was four hours ago.

"What's the problem?" he lifts a brow questioning her behavior.

"I'm surprised that you even noticed," she rolls her eyes leaning further away from her husband.

"How can I not, you've been rolling your eyes and sucking your teeth at me every time I talk to you."

"You're barely home," she laughs not even bothering to look up at him, "and the only time that your home is to unpack, then your back at work rarely spending time with me, and I'm your wife, I'm the one that said yes to marrying me, not that job," she shrugs as she continues to play games.

"Okay, I'm sorry Logan but I have a hotel that I have to manage that I didn't even know would be such a fucking success granted that Vern planted the hotel in between four other hotels. Summertime is here so I must help Mrs. Turks with assisting people with looking at rooms that they want to reserve along with making arrangements for the families to stay in multiple rooms for a discounted rate. To make this shit worse I had to let my head chef and host go because one was stealing money from customers when they would check them out. Four of the housekeepers almost quit because there was a guest, that was staying at the hotel for a week, kept on sexually harassing them, and turned in their two week notice without even notifying me about the situation when it first happened, so I was able to keep three but the one is just so hellbent on leaving so I was able to get him a job at one of the other hotels and put in a good word for him. So forgive me if I'm not home when you want me to be and if I don't have the energy to do the things you want me to do, I'm just trying to make sure that the hotel runs smoothly without slitting my goddamn throat," Zeek tries to keep his voice as even as possible to prevent yet another argument from happening, "plus I thought that you would be too busy trying to plan that party with Dylan since you are always on the phone."

"Jacob just texted me a couple of weeks ago that night and I am supposed to meet him today."

"Why was he texting you so late at night, didn't you have your schedule on the back of your business card that we had made?"

"I did, I have a meeting with him and Dylan at five," she looks at the time on her phone seeing that she has an hour until the time.

"Well please don't keep him waiting," he gets up fixing the joggers that was a size too big.

"The meeting starts in an hour," she scrunches her face up watching him walk away from her.

"But you take two years and a day to get ready, so get to it," he says over his shoulders as he makes his way to the joint office that he shares with Logan.

"Of course that would be your first place to go," she rolls her eyes getting up so that she can start to get ready knowing that Zeek said some truth about her getting ready. Walking into the master bedroom into the bathroom so that she can turn the hot water on so that it would be hot by the time she gets in, "What to wear, what to wear?" she mutters to herself as she looks through her color coordinated closet knowing that Zeek got his hands on it. Her husband is a highly organized man, if he sees one thing out of place his world comes to a screeching halt. Logan and to find out the hard way about this condition, earlier in their marriage when she called herself being nice and helping him put up the linens and ended up receiving an hour-long lecture about how to 'properly' fold and put-up linens and the importance of being neat and organized.

Make It WorkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora