Chapter 4: Imprint

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Paul POV.

Today felt different. I mean days don't normally feel normal when you constantly have to worry about not shifting into a giant wolf in front of everyone. But today felt like a different different. If that makes sense. Anywho I got ready for school and headed out the door. My phone buzzed with a text message. I checked it and saw it was from Sam.

You have patrol from 8-12 tonight.


I turned off my phone and started driving to school. I got there and saw how crowded it was. Great. I was feeling very antisocial so I stayed in my car until class. I got out at the 5 minute bell and started walking to class. I was almost there when I ran into someone.

"Hey! Watch it!" I yelled. I stumbled a little but stayed up.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to run into you!" They said at the same time as me.

"You need to watch where you're going." I remarked.

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just my first day and I'm tryin' to find my class before I'm late." They shot back; they had a slight southern accent.

"That doesn't give you an excuse. You still need to watch wh......" I trailed off as our eyes finally met. My world shifted. Suddenly my world shifted and it wasn't gravity holding me down but her. I was going to protect her if it was the last thing I did. She had dirty blond hair that went a few inches below her shoulders. She looked athletic and was super cute. "Sorry I didn't mean to run into you." I said with a slight smirk.

"Okaaaay." She said. "Well I gotta get to class. Sooooo....." She started to make her way around me.

"Wait!" I called. "Maybe I can help you find your class." I said.

"Sure." She replied. "I'm Olivia by the way. Olivia Fraser." Olivia. I thought. What a beautiful name.

"Paul." I said. "Paul Lahote." I looked back at her schedule. "You have the same first, second, third, and fifth hours as me." I stated.

"Cool." She said kind of awkwardly. "Well can you just show me where our first hour is." I led the way. She had been going the wrong way, in fact she was on the complet opposite side of the school. As soon as we walked into class the tardy bell rang. I found my seat in the back of the class and Olivia followed me. She took the desk beside me and started organizing her stuff. About a minute later the teacher walked in and started taking roll.

The teacher started calling roll and I thought I had gotten away without him announcing me being the new student when he called out.

"It seems like we have a new student. Olivia can you please stand up and tell us your name, where you're from and one thing about you"

"We aren't in 5th grade" she mumbled as she stood up. I let out a low chuckle. "Hello my name is Olivia, as y'all already know, I'm from Rogers Arkansas, and I run Cross Country and Track." As soon she finished speaking she sat back down, I don't think she was an attention seeker.

"Thank you Olivia" the teacher continued. He started talking about something science-y and I kinda droned him out.

The day flew by pretty quickly and before I knew it, it was lunchtime. I got in the lunch line and grabbed my food. I found Kim and Jared at our usual table.

"So I heard you ran into someone this morning." Jared said as soon as I set my tray down.

"Ya, ya just the newbie that got lost." I replied, trying to act normal. "She was on the complet opposite side of the school. Typical."

The Southern Imprint (Paul Lahote x oc)Where stories live. Discover now