Chapter 14: She Wolf

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It's been a week since I shifted. I've had patrol almost every night and I've never been more exhausted. I am currently in English, me and Paul were adding the final touches to our project when we heard a howl. Great. Paul's head snaps toward me. "Go to the restroom." He mouthed.

"What about my stuff." I mouthed back.

"I'll say you're sick."

I got up and grabbed the hall pass, it was a sticky note. I walked to the side door. I slipped out before I headed to my car. Paul had beaten me out and was holding my keys.

"I'll drive." He said unlocking the car.

"What about your car?"

"I'll come back for it."

With that we drove off to Emily's. When we got there we ran out back and shifted. I immediately took to the sky.

'Where's the vampire?' Paul asked.

'By the clearing.' Sam replied. 'Our goal is to keep her away from the hunting party. That also means we can't be seen by them. Olivia you have the best view. Call who is where and whoever is closest.'

'Yes alpha.' We all respond.

So that is how the next 30-ish minutes went. I called out who was where and they reacted accordingly.

'She's heading towards the ocean.' I said. 'Crap. Bella is on the high cliff. She looks like she is about to jump.'

'Go after her.' Jacob responded immediately.

'No. Stay where you are. I'm coming.' Paul said at the same time.

'She is under our protection.' Sam said. 'Go after her.' He alpha ordered.

I sighed and swooped toward her. I was about 100 meters away when she jumped. 'Shucks she jumped.' I dove down and dove after her. Just before I hit the water I shifted and pencil dived in. The water was ice cold and the waves were choppy making it hard to find Bella. But when I finally did it looked like she was giving up on swimming. Great.

I swam toward her and hooked my arm around her chest. I started to swim back to shore but with the choppy waves and frigid water it was 10 times harder and the fact the Bella wasn't helping made it worse.

'Stupid alpha order.' I thought.

It took about 5 minutes to get back to shore. 5 minutes of swimming is hard on your own but with the weather and Bella it was harder. As soon as I got her on the beach Jacob, who was waiting, took her from me and started CPR. Paul ran up to me and pulled me into his arms. I nearly collapsed from how tired I was and how much I was shivering.

"Are you ok?" He asked, supporting my weight. I shook my head, not able to form words. "Ok let's get you home."

Since there was only one car, Bella's truck, Jack booted us to the trunk and he and Bella were in the front. I was so cold I didn't argue. I curled up into Paul's arms as Jack drove. Eventually we came to a stop outside an unfamiliar house. Paul climbed out of the back and carried me inside.

"Wh-where a-are we?" I asked.

"My house." He said opening the door. He walked in and closed the door with his foot. He set me on the couch. "Let's get you warmed up." He tugged slightly on my shirt, silently along if he could take it off. I nodded. He carefully took off the sopping shirt and tossed it on the ground, leaving me in my sports bra. As soon as it was off he took off his own shirt and pulled me into his lap.

"Skin to skin contact warms you up faster." He said softly, explaining what he was doing. "Once you warm up enough I will get you some fresh clothes."

We sat there for a good 20 minutes before I finally stopped shivering and he deemed me warm enough to get me some clothes. He tried to carry me upstairs but I refused. I can walk perfectly fine. He led me upstairs to what I assume is his room. It was a little messy, there were clothes lying on the floor around his hamper and his bed looked like it hadn't been made in weeks. But that was what made it him. If his room was clean, I would be concerned.

"Sorry for the mess." He said pulling out a sweatshirt and sweat pants from his closet.

"Don't worry about it. My room is no better." He handed me the clothes and left the room to allow me to change. Even though I had stopped shivering I was still cold so the over sized sweats were amazing. After I finished changing I left the room to go find Paul. He was in the kitchen on the phone with someone.

"We'll be right there." He said as he hung up. He turned towards me and it looked like he was about to cry.

I walked over and pulled him into a hug. He buried his face into my neck.

"What happened?" I asked softly, rubbing his back.

"Harry Clearwater had a heart attack. He passed away just now." His voice cracked as he started crying. Harry had been like a father to him.

I held him as he cried into my shoulder. I rubbed his back soothingly trying to comfort him. "Is Sam asking us to come over to the Clearwater's?" I ask as he started to calm down. I felt him nod and start to head to the door. "I'll drive." I said, taking the keys from him. "You can direct me."

We got into the car and he directed me to the Clearwater's.

I parked next to the other cars and we headed inside. Paul was gripping my hand tightly, the only evidence that he was heartbroken. We walked in and found Emily trying to consult Sue who was sobbing silently. Her children were out back with everyone else. Emily motioned for us to go out back.

Once we were outside, I saw Seth, the youngest, with tears running down his face. Leah was sitting by herself staring into the woods. (In this Leah and Sam didn't date they just don't like each other.) Embry was trying to console Seth and the rest were talking off to the side. I squeezed Paul's hand before I let go and made my way over to Leah. I sat a good foot away from her and looked straight ahead. We sat in silence for a while before I spoke up.

"If you're here because Sam told you to come you can leave." She said softly.

"I'm here because you're here." I said back. After another silence I said "I'm sorry about your father."

"Can you just leave me alone." She snapped. Just like I did before I shifted. Are there female wolves?

"Calm down she was just trying to be nice." Paul said, coming up behind me. He must have sensed what was happening. But he was only making things worse

"Paul quit trying to help." I said. "Why don't you see if Sue needs help with anything?"

He started to walk off with a huff when, "such a good dog." Leah remarked sarcastically. Paul froze. Oh no.

"Would you just shut up! All we have been trying to do is help and you are just being rude. You snap at my girlfriend when she was being nice and then you call me a dog!" He rounded on her. Leah stood up and got in his face. This won't end well.

"I only snapped at your girlfriend because she was being annoying. I wanted to be alone and she was bothering me. And I only called you a dog because you act like one." She shot back.

"Calm down both of you." I said getting between them. Paul was trying to move me behind him but I wasn't budging. Overprotective puppy.

Before either of them could respond we heard a loud snap. Leah screamed in pain. She was shifting with me and Paul right in front of her.

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