Chapter 13: The Bonfire

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Olivia POV.

We stood there for a little before I untangled myself from his arms.

"I need to finish packing and get ready for the bonfire." I said. I tossed the rest of my clothes in my bag before pulling my hoodie on.

"But we could just stay here for a few more minutes." Paul groaned, trying to reach for me again.

"No we need to help set up the bonfire" I laugh, pulling away from him. I walk downstairs to see the boys moving some chairs outside. They were setting them around a pit of wood that I knew would be the bonfire later.

"Look who finally decided to join us." Jared joked.

"Oh shut up." I grab some chairs and start to set them up around the fire pit. Soon all the food had been brought out and all the chairs had been set up and we all settled down, waiting for the stories to begin. Jacob's dad Billy started to tell them.

------time skip cause I'm lazy------

By the time he finished it felt like it was 40 degrees outside. I was sitting so close to Paul I might as well have been on him. The stories had been amazing, I really liked the one about the third wife. Her sacrifice had saved the tribe. We started heading inside after picking up and I started to make my way upstairs.

"Are you staying the night?" Emily asked.

"I was planning on heading home. I've already bugged y'all long enough." I said pausing halfway to face her.

"You haven't bugged us at all!" She exclaimed. "It's really late you can head home in the morning." She didn't leave any room for arguing. I nodded.

"Patrol, noons to 7. Don't be late." Sam said. "Paul same time."

"Yes sir." I said and continued my accent upstairs. When I got upstairs I changed into shorts and a different hoodie (the one I was wearing smelled like smoke) and climbed into bed. Paul climbed in after me and cuddled me from behind.

"Do you think your dad will let me spend the night?" Paul mumbled.

"Probably not." I mumbled back.

"I'll just sneak through your window." He said burring his face in my hair.

"Good luck with that. My room is upstairs."

"I can climb."

I hummed in response, already drifting off. I fell into a dreamless sleep and was awoken by someone pecking kisses on my neck. I wonder who it is.

"Mornin'" I mumbled tiredly.

"Morning" Paul said just as softly. His morning voice sending chills down my spine

I turned to face him. "We should probably get up."

"Or we could stay here." He replied. As soon as he said that his stomach growled. "Or maybe not." I laughed a little and untangled myself from his arms and started getting ready. I stayed in my sweatshirt and shorts and headed downstairs to get some food, Paul right behind me.

After we ate I went back upstairs and grabbed my stuff and headed back downstairs.

"I'm gonna head home. My mom is probably worried sick." I say to Emily as I walk outside to the Subi.

"Ok. See you later!" She called after me.

I felt someone try and grab my keys from my hand as I neared the car.

"Let me drive you." Paul said. Probably looking for any excuse to stay with me longer.

"I can drive myself." I said, moving the keys out of his reach.

"I never said you couldn't." He said, still trying to grab the keys. "Just let me be a nice imprint and drive you home."

"But how will you get back." I question.

"I'll shift. Or we can finish the English project?" He said it more like a question.

"That's not due till next week, we can work on it tomorrow." I said finally making it to the car. "Besides we have patrol at noon. We can see each other then. I don't want to worry about school right now either." I said putting my stuff in the passenger side.

"Fine." Paul said pecking me on the lips. "Drive safe and text me when you get home."

"Ok dad." I joked as I walked over to the driver's side. I drove in silence and when I finally made it home I was met with a hug from my mother as soon as I walked through the door.

"I'm so glad you're ok." She said as she released me. "We should have told you sooner."

"I probably wouldn't have believed you." I smile back. "Also I have patrol at noon." I set my stuff down. She nodded and walked off to do who knows what.

I made my way upstairs to my room but was stopped halfway. "He treat you right?" My dad asked.


"Paul, did he treat you right."

"Of course he did." I say a little confused.

"Good." He stalked off.

I'm halfway down the hall when, "so, y'all are together." Hannah said.

"That's none of your business." I say without looking back. "We also just met." If she found out about the imprint thing I would never hear the end of it.

"Then why are you wearing his sweatshirt?" You could hear the smirk in her voice. I look down and find that I am indeed wearing his sweatshirt. How did I not notice.

"Mind your own business." I shut the door to my room and sigh. I decided to lay down for a bit when my phone buzzed. I wonder who it was.



What are you doing

How about you

Are you excited for patrol?

As long as it is more entertaining than last time.

Are you just asking to be tickled?

I laugh a bit.

Can I not say the truth?

You can if it is actually true.

So, only if you agree with it

Of course.
That makes it true.

I laugh again. We text for a while before I'm called down for lunch. I say good bye and head down. Maybe shifting wasn't the worst thing.

The Southern Imprint (Paul Lahote x oc)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz