Chapter 19: Graduation

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Paul POV.

Graduation is today and I am so glad to finally be done with school.

Olivia is a year younger so she will be graduating next year. I plan on helping her as much as possible whether that be taking on extra patrols or helping with homework.

I was getting ready when I heard a knock at the door. Probably Olivia. I open the door and am almost knocked to the ground.

"You're graduating today!" Olivia all but screams in my ear. I winced a little but hugged her back.

"I know. I was getting ready before I was attacked."

"Sorry." She said with a smile on her face. "I was just excited."

"Let me finish getting ready and we can read to the school." I walked back up stairs and she followed.

"What color is your gown?" She asked.

"Blue." I said. She was really cute when she was excited.

"Cool. Can I see it?" She asked as we stepped into my room.

"Sure. I was just about to put it on." I pulled it out of my closet and she brushed her fingers across it.

"It is very thin." She commented.

I rolled my eyes. "Is that a problem."

"It would be if you didn't have an unnatural amount of body heat. I'd be freezing in that."

"Just wait till next year." I said as I pulled it over my dress shirt.

She grumbled something I didn't hear and we went back downstairs. I pulled on my shoes and went to grab my keys. Olivia snatched them up before I could grab them.

"I'll drive." She said. She turned and walked towards the door.

"It's my car." I argued.

"Yes but you only graduate highschool once. I want to drive you." She gave me puppy eyes. "Let me be a good imprint and drive you to your graduation."

"Fine but I'm driving after."


We made our way to the car and she drove to the school. The chairs were set out in the football field and there was a temporary stage at the front. She parked and we got out and made our way to the seats.

Olivia POV.

I can't believe Paul is graduating today!

I found a seat next to Sam and Emily and waited for it to start.

It started a few minutes late but once they got rolling it went quick. Embry was first. When his name was called we all cheered.

And just to embarrass him I called out: "That's my best friend!"

He glared at me and I just smiled. Next was Jared. I decided not to embarrass him so we just cheered as he walked across the stage. Finally we got to Paul. I cheered so loud as he walked across I was surprised I didn't lose my voice.

After the ceremony was done, I ran to find Paul. When I found him I ran and hugged (he would say attacked) him.

"Congratulations!!" He barely caught me but he smiled.

"Thanks Liv." He set me down but kept his arm around me.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Paul's newest play thing." A bratty voice said from behind us.

"Regina." Paul said. His arm tightened around me. I knew about Paul's past. How he used to skip from girl to girl just because he could. I knew he had changed but I also knew he would forever be haunted by it.

"I'm surprised she has lasted as long as she has." She smirked. "And here I was thinking I was your favorite." She turned to me, "we lasted a whole year. You will be lucky if you last even another month." Without waiting for a response she turned on her heel and walked off.

"Don't listen to her." Paul said.

"If only she knew." I mumbled.

"If only." Paul turned and grabbed my hand. "We should be celebrating not mopping. Let's go find the others."

We eventually found the others by the parking lot and made plans to meet at Emily's for a celebratory dinner. Jake said he wouldn't be there because he promised Bella he would go to her graduation party. He follows her like a lost puppy.

Since it was only lunch time me and Paul decided to go out to eat.

"I should be paying." I argued. "You graduated so I am treating you for lunch."

"But I am being a good boyfriend and letting you pick the place. So I am going to pay you." He gave me a side glance. "Just let me spoil you like a good imprint." He said, mocking my words from earlier.

"Fine." I huffed.

"You know most girls expect the guy to pay." He smiled.

"I'm not most girls and we are celebrating you so you shouldn't be spending a penny." I argued back.

He chuckled. "No you are not." He reached over the console and grabbed my hand. We sat in silence the rest of the way to a steak house I found while exploring.

As he pulled into a parking spot he looked over at me. "Do they only serve steak here?"

I started laughing. "Have you never been to a steak house?"

"Is it that obvious."

"Do they only serve steak here?" I made my voice deeper to mock him. "Of course not silly. They do have steak but they also have burgers and they might have cat fish."

We walked inside and got a table. "What are you getting?" He asked as we looked at the menus.

"I think I'm going to get the catfish and hush puppies." I replied.

"What's a hush puppy?"

I gapped at him like a fish out of water. "It's like a ball of fried bread. Sometimes they have corn inside. You'll like it."

"Hello my name is Karl and I will be you server today. What can I get started for you." Our waiter asked.

"I'll have y'all's catfish meal with some sweet tea please." I said looking up from my menu. Karl was staring at me like I had grown two heads. "What?"

"You're not from here are you." He asked.

"No. Why?" I asked slowly. Was it something I said?

"We don't have sweet tea. No one drinks it so we don't make it."

"Ok so I'll have some water." I said.

"Are you sure. We also have coke products and lemonade." Why was he pushing for me to get something else?

"She said she wanted water." Paul said from across the table. "And I'll have the same thing as her."

"Ok so two catfish meals and two waters." The waiter looked at me for confirmation.

"Sounds right." I said. He finally walked off and I let out a sigh of relief. "Finally. That guy was annoying."

"Yeah he was." Paul said watching him disappear into the kitchen. Be careful with your drink. He might spike it."

"Why would he do that?" I was so confused.

"He was pushing for you to get something other than water. It's harder to hide stuff in plain water." He grabbed my hand. "How about we trade drinks once he gets here. We can never be too careful."

I knew it was no use to argue. "Whatever floats your boat." I mumbled, running my thumb over the back of his hand.

By the time our food got here I was starving. We are quickly and we did trade drinks after Karl delivered our food. When it came time to pay the bill Paul paid cash and when Karl came back with the receipt there was a number written on it. Under the number it said 'call me'.

Paul grumbled something about not getting hints and ripped off the corner that had Karl's number and shoved the receipt in his wallet.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yup." This was going to be a fun story to tell.

The Southern Imprint (Paul Lahote x oc)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora