Chapter 18: The Cullens

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"Who are the Cullens?" I asked Paul as we made our way to his truck.

"Filthy blood suckers." He spat out as he climbed into the driver's seat. I didn't argue as I climbed into the passenger's side, I'd only be adding fuel to the fire.

He pulled out of the driveway dangerously fast. I jerked forward as he pressed the break. "Maybe you should slow down." I said cautiously.

He took a deep breath and slowed down a little. "Everything was fine. We only had one leach to worry about and now we have a whole pond of them." He huffed out. We finally made it to Emily's and he slammed the door as he got out. I jogged around the car and grabbed his hand.

We walked in and saw everyone in the living room. We took a spot on the edge of the couch with him on the cushion and me on the arm of the couch.

"Ok now that everyone is here let's get started." Sam said. "For those of you who don't know the Cullen's are a family of vampires who we have a treaty with. We will go over the border in a minute but we can only attack them if they are our land uninvited." He said. We went over where the border was and he told us we couldn't cross it while shifted. We talked a little more about what changes were being made to patrol and then he let us go.

"Olivia." Sam called as we were making our way out of the living room. I paused and Paul tried to stay but Sam gave him a pointed look.

"Go wait by the truck. I'll be there in a minute." I said squeezing his hand. He huffed and left.

"The Cullen's don't know about the Hawk shifter. You need to make sure they don't find out." He said. "Not even Bella can know. I know you guys aren't exactly friends but try not to shift in front of her. I want to keep you a secret as long as possible. So as far as anyone is concerned you are just Paul's imprint." He gave me a pointed look. "Is that clear."

"Yes sir." I said and I walked out to Paul's truck.

When I got outside Paul pushed off his truck. "What did he want?" He asked, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"He wants to keep me being a shifter secret." I said leaning into him.

"That makes sense." He mumbled wrapping his arms around me.

"Let's go back to your place." I said after a minute. I untangled myself from his arms and moved towards the truck. He hopped in the driver's seat and we drove off. On the way to his house I called my parents.

"Hello?" My mom said as she answered.

"Hello. Is it ok if I stay over at Paul's tonight?" I asked.

"Are you guys staying in the same bed?" My mom asked.

"He doesn't have a guest room so yeah."

There was a pause.

"Only because it's a weekend. No funny business and you need to be back by noon tomorrow."

"Ok yes ma'am." I said with a smile. I turned to Paul, "I can stay over."

"I thought you already were?"

"I was more of letting them know than asking permission. I already knew my Mom would say yes. That's why I called her and not my Dad." We pulled into his driveway and I got out and we both went to the living room.

"Do you want to watch another movie?" He asked.

"Sure, you can pick this time."

He grabbed the remote and started finding a movie as I cuddled up next to him. He settled on a horror movie and I gave him a look.

"What? It's a good movie." He said with a smirk. He knew what he was doing. Jerk.

"Your fault if I have nightmares." I mumbled as he laughed. He pressed play. The beginning wasn't bad but then it started getting a little creepy. I was fine until the first jump scare. I hid my face in his chest and screamed a little.

He just chuckled at my fear. "You know it's not real right." I could hear the smirk on his voice.

"It's still scary." My voice was a little muffled.

It wasn't until about the 3rd time I hid into him that he actually started comforting me. I think he felt bad. "We can turn it off if you want." He said as he rubbed my back.

"Please." I said as I burrowed deeper into his chest. I heard the click of the remote as he turned off the TV.

He pulled me into his lap so I was straddling him. My face was still buried in his neck. "Sorry." He whispered. "I honestly thought you would like it."

"It's ok." I whisper back. "Just don't do it again."

"Ok." We sat there for a while and I think I fell asleep because I vaguely remember him carrying me upstairs. He set me down on the bed and took off my shoes. I felt the sheets get tucked around me and heard the rustling of clothing as he changed. The bed dipped and he climbed in beside me. He tucked me into his side and I fell asleep.

Leah stood above us as she shifted. The world stopped as Paul turned to guard me from her paw. She struck him and the weight of his lifeless body threw me to the ground. I tried to shake him awake when he jerked away from me.

"You did this. If you hadn't provoked Leah none of this would have happened. You ruin everything. You think I love you? That's only the imprint bond. I would get rid of you if I could. You worthless little girl." Paul's body said as he stood up. "You fool yourself into thinking that people like you but they don't. Just how stupid are you. You ruin everything around you."

"Olivia wake up!"

"You should just go back to Rogers. You don't belong here." Paul's body cackled.

I shook awake and opened my eyes to see a concerned Paul above me. I sat up and wiped away my tears.

"Was it about the movie because if it was I'm sor--" Paul began.

"It wasn't the movie." I mumbled. I felt the bed dipp as he moved to sit next to me.

"Was it about the incident with Leah?" He asked.

I looked away.

"I'm sorry there isn't more I can do to help with that." He said softly.

"It wasnt just her this time." I mumbled.

"What was it about then?" He asked.

"You said it was my fault and that I should just go back to Arkansas be cause no one wanted me here." Tears started to fall again. "That you didn't really love me. That it was just the imprint bond and you would get rid of me if you could." I was almost sobbing now.

He paused. He pulled me to his side. "None of it was your fault." He started. "You were trying to help Leah. She even said so." He pulled me into his side gently. "You belong with us. Don't ever think you don't. If you were to leave I would go with you." He pulled me into his lap. "Even if there was no imprint bond I would still want you. You are funny and kind and a joy to everyone around you." His words got softer and he leaned closer. "And I truly love you. Nothing is going to change that." He whispered on my lips.

The kiss was slow and passionate. I sunk more into his embrace as he turned and laid me down on the bed. His elbows were next to my head to keep him from squishing me.

He moved from my lips to my neck and collar. It took everything in me to keep from squirming.

"Don't you ever doubt my love for you again." He mumbled into my neck.

"I won't." I mumbled back.

He pecked me on the lips one more time before he got back under the covers. He opened his arms in a silent invitation and I curled up into his chest.

He fell asleep almost instantly. I lied awake for a while. It was obvious he loved me. And I loved him. Nothing was ever going to change that. So with a small smile on my face I fell into a dreamless sleep.

The Southern Imprint (Paul Lahote x oc)Where stories live. Discover now