Chapter 63

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Rhianne is in a good mood when she wakes up. Her mother cooked her favorite chocolate pancakes and topped them with fresh strawberries and chocolate whip cream. The look that Francis gave to her is full of silent criticism on the number of sweets she consumes every day. But Rhianne pretended she did not notice his gaze and proceed on enjoying her sweet breakfast. 

Her father announced that he drives her to their school today. He mentioned their meeting location today is near their school so he decided to give her a ride and that they can spend more time together. Rhianne knows that her father is busy lately because he is trying to expand their business abroad this year. This will be the last huge project her father will handle for their company before he prepares to pass it on to her brother.

Tim is planning to retire as the CEO of their company next year and he will pass all of his work to Francis. Although he is still in his prime and can still handle everything in their company, Tim still wants to rest and enjoy his life with his family and doing the things he likes. But it does not mean he will dump all the work on his eldest son. Tim will still guide Francis behind the scene and give his insights for the improvement of their company. 

When Rhianne heard about his plans, she quickly asked her father to have a date with her. Rhianne grows up closer to her family and she does not feel awkward or shy around them anymore. Tim naturally did not refuse his daughter's request. Her father is not saying anything out loud but Rhianne can tell that he already misses spending quality time with his wife and children.

While Rhianne is busy munching on her chocolate pancake, Francis asked her a sudden question.

"So is he your boyfriend now?" 

The pancake that Rhianne is busying munching suddenly gets stuck in her throat. She coughed several times while patting her chest. When the food in her throat finally goes down, Carmie quickly gives her a glass of water and scolded Francis for surprising Rhianne like that.

"What kind of question is that?" Rhianne asked as she looks at her brother with moist eyes.

"A very crucial and a serious question." Francis replied before reaching for his handkerchief and wiping the unshed tears of his sister. "You and that brat had a date."

"I know." Rhianne admitted.

"Tch. I knew it."

"Why are you always like that with Keith? He did not do anything wrong to you though."
Francis did not bother answering her question. Rhianne will never understand it. Francis always feels like that brat will snatch her away anytime soon. And besides, he always views Rhianne as someone who is not yet ready for things like that.

He never says it out loud, but Francis always sees Rhianne as a child. He does not want her to get hurt in any possible way. The pool incident that happened four years ago should be the last accident that can hurt his little sister.

Calvin once told him that he is being overly protective towards Rhianne. Believe it or not, Francis is also thinking the same thing. But he cannot just easily erase the dread he felt when Rhianne had an accident and he cannot do anything but wait for his sister to open her eyes again. That incident really woke up his brotherly instincts the most. 

"Keith is a good person, brother. You should know it because you are friends with Dr. Calvin." Rhianne said as she slice her pancakes into smaller pieces. 

"Are you saying that brat is similar to Calvin?"

"I never said that. Keith is treating me way better than his brother. Dr. Calvin always finds a way to tease me every time we meet."

"And I told you before to hit him on his face if he does that."

"...I am not that violent, brother."

"Then I will just hit him in your stead."

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