Chapter 66

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Rhianne did not go straight to her classroom after she entered the gates. Keith informed her that he is just finding a parking space and asked if she can wait for him at the waiting shed. Of course, she agreed to it. But Rhianne did not wait that long since she had already seen Keith walking in her direction.

He is just wearing simple clothes today, but Rhianne suddenly finds him more handsome than before. She can't help but stare at him more as he slowly removes his shades. And when he sees her, a handsome smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

'Is it just me or Keith's charisma is slowly turning into a fatal weapon for women's hearts?'

Rhianne waves her hands to greet him. His eyes quickly travel to her wrist which is adorned with the charm bracelet that he gave to her as a gift. Seeing Rhianne wearing it made his mood become better this morning. Impatient to be with her again, Keith decided to quicken his steps until he arrives in front of Rhianne.

"Mr. Protagonist, good morning—Ah?"

Rhianne's greetings were cut short because Keith suddenly hold her hand. Without removing his gaze off her face, he gently put it at the back of her hand. Rhianne opens her mouth but she quickly closes it when no words come out from it. Soon, Rhianne feels like her whole face is on fire, and her cheeks down to her neck become red as a newly cooked lobster.

"Good morning, my princess." Keith greeted her with a smile. "Did you miss me?"

"I-I... Keith!"


Keith bites his lips to stop himself from laughing too hard. Rhianne's blushing face first thing in the morning is such a pretty sight. Unlike the other girls in this academy, Rhianne does not need to put any make-up on her face to enhance her beauty. The natural blush on her face is enough to make her more beautiful than the rest.

Rhianne tries to glare at him but it does not have any effect. Both of them know that she is not really mad. Rhianne is just being bashful and she wants to hide that fact right now. With a huff, Rhianne tries to pull her hand but Keith holds it firmly.

"You are really wearing it." Keith said while looking at her bracelet.

"Of course. You gave it to me. If anything, I should be the one who needs to be surprised that you are still wearing the wristwatch I gave to you."

Rhianne also knows that Keith is always wearing an expensive wristwatch every day. Ever since they entered college, Keith never leaves their house without any wristwatch with him to always check the time. She did not ask him about it, but Rhianne knows that Keith only wears a wristwatch that is made of steel and silver. But ever since she gave him a personalized wristwatch, Keith never wears his expensive watches at their school anymore.

"You know that you can wear your other wristwatches, right? I thought you bought two new wristwatches last week? You should wear it sometimes too, Keith."

If Keith decided to buy another wristwatch, then he intends to wear it. Right? It will be a waste if he will just let it untouched inside the box.

"I already gave it to my brother." Keith casually said. "I think he its more because of his work as a doctor."

When Keith gave his new wristwatches to Calvin, the older Lancester sibling cannot help but have a double look on his face. He feels like his younger brother was abducted and replaced by an unknown creature. Keith never gives anything unless there is a special occasion like their birthdays, Christmas, or anniversaries.

But Calvin's surprised expression was soon replaced with a teasing attitude after knowing the reason for his brother's sudden kindness. It turns out the sunshine of his life gave him a personalized wristwatch and he does not want to use any wristwatch aside from it. Calvin had already caught his younger brother staring at his treasured gift with a soft smile several times already. But Keith does not care about it and ignored his brother's teasings.

"Anyway, your gift is always matching my clothes so it does not matter if my brother will try to get all the wristwatches that I have." Keith said with a confident grin on his face. "This one is already enough for me."

Rhianne just laugh happily when she heard it. To say that their conversation is too cheesy or too childish for others' liking. But who cares? As long as both of them are happy, then everything is fine for them.

Rhianne learned a long time ago not to give too much attention to people who want nothing but to make gossip about them. It is just a bunch of stories made from their opinions anyway. She does not need any justification or proves something to them. Dealing with them will just make her look like a fool.

Thankfully, Keith is also the same. He is no longer affected by those people who keep on talking about him. He learned that their opinion does not matter anymore. No matter what he does, people will still talk about whether you make something good or bad. Keith decided to just ignore them and focus on those people who are genuine to him. 

"By the way, Keith."


"You are very handsome today."

Keith cannot help but snicker when he heard that. Of course, Rhianne will not miss on saying that. She has been doing that since they were still kids. Complimenting him becomes a habit on her part and Keith gets used to it.

"I know that. You are telling me that every day." Keith said.

"No. I mean, you look more handsome today. Your charisma is overflowing that makes a girl's heartbeat so loud."

"Oh? Then... Is your heart also beating right now because of me?" Keith cheekily asked.

"Of course!" Rhianne admitted quickly with a firm nod. "When I saw you walking towards me a few minutes ago, I feel like I ran on a treadmill for an hour because my heart is beating so fast. Your handsomeness is getting more fatal every day! No wonder my heart beats so fast every time I see you these days. Oh, wait. Scratch that. I think because it is Keith why I am always getting this feeling!"

Then Rhianne suddenly stops talking. She finally realized what words came out of her mouth. Rhianne just openly admitted that Keith makes her heart pound without realizing it. The blush on her cheeks becomes redder and she quickly covers it with her free hand.

Keith is also surprised by her sudden confession. He is just planning to tease her again since she looks so serious a while ago. But Keith did not expect that Rhianne will admit that her heart is pounding because of him. And now, Rhianne is not the only one blushing since he can feel the familiar warm feeling on his face.

While these two becomes a pair of blushing mess, they certainly did not notice the attention they are getting from the students standing near them. One of these students is Hansel. Are they still not aware of their popularity in their school? Rhianne is the youngest daughter of the Cartel family while Keith is the future successor of Lancester family's business. Not to mention their reputations in this school, they are bound to attract a lot of attention whether they like it or not.

And right now, they are surely gathering a lot of attention first thing in the morning. Probably eighty percent of the students in this academy know that Keith and Rhianne are a package deal. Hansel heard that they are already like since their high school days. The more Hansel stares at them, the more he feels like teasing them later because they are such an innocent couple.

And to think that Keith is still in his courting stage with Rhianne. 

Then what will happen to them if they officially become a couple? Are they going to combust when they admitted their feelings to each other? Seeing their innocent and pure relationship is somehow making Hansel feel awe and shivering at the same time.

Don't get him wrong. Hansel is one of the people who will be happy for them once they become an official couple. He will surely congratulate Keith because he finally gets the girl he loves the most. All of his hardships and sacrifices will be finally paid off.

But Hansel still wants to resent Keith just a little bit. Probably about two to three percent. Because that guy is too damn lucky! His friend will now have Rhianne on his side who is obviously going to be an attentive, supportive, caring, and loving girlfriend for him. Did he save the world in the past for him to have such a lucky life?

Forget it.

Hansel feels silly thinking such things. Keith's life is obviously different from him. Hansel knows that his luck will soon appear in front of him. All he needs to do is to become patient and work hard until he achieves it. Being jealous of his friend's life is just going to ruin him.

But while he is staring at the two oblivious blushing couple at the waiting shed, Hansel can only let out a sigh and pray for those two to stop flirting in front of them. At least give some consideration for those singles like him in this school!

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