Chapter 64

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Rhianne is humming the happy tune she once heard from a TV commercial beside her father who is reviewing the documents he will be needing later in their meeting. Aside from it, Rhianne is also busy texting with her friends right now. Candice sends her a message just now since she is on a break in her morning work at the cafe near their school. She first told Rhianne that today is her mother's first work in the Welfare Agency as their new head cook.

Candice also happily shared to Rhianne that her mother has already received her new uniform and she is loving it too much. Thinking about it, Rhianne forgot to ask her mother about it earlier because of her brother who keeps on nagging first thing in the morning. After a few replies, Candice told Rhianne that her mother prepared a special dessert for the children in the Welfare Agency today as a celebration of her new work. She also said to meet her at the cafeteria because her mother packed a special dessert that they can share later at lunch.

Rhianne can feel her mouth water by just thinking about that dessert. Thinking about it, she really finds herself fond of eating sweet and good delicacies. At first, Rhianne thought her craving for food is only temporary because she deprived herself of eating too much in the past due to her poor life. But it turns out she is just a person who likes to eat especially desserts.

Luckily, she is one of those blessed people who does not get fat no matter how much she eats. She can just eat a lot and her weight will remain the same. But still, those people around her will never get tired of telling her to have a balanced diet and proper exercise. Though Rhianne is grateful for their attention towards her, there are still times when she wants to tell that she is capable of taking good care of herself.

Aside from Candice, Keith is also texting with her right now. 

'Are you still in your house? Do you want us to go to school together?'

'No need for that. Dad will drive me to school today.'

'Uncle Tim is not busy today?'

'He is still busy. He just give me a ride since their meeting location is just near our school.'

'Oh, okay. Then see you later?'

'Of course!'

'By the way, I am wearing your gift today.'

'You are always wearing that after I gave it to you though. But what a coincidence! I am also wearing the charm bracelet you gave to me.'

'Oh? Does it mean we are thinking of each other right now?'

Before Rhianne can type a reply, send another message for her.

'I have to go now. See you later, Rhianne.'

'Eyes on the road, okay? Do not be distracted while driving your car.'

'Of course, Your Highness. I will be careful since my princess wants to see me safe all the time.'

Rhianne cannot stop herself from chuckling after reading that message. She decided not to reply any more so Keith will not be distracted while driving his car. Instead, she finally send a reply to Andrew who texted her earlier. But Rhianne temporarily forgot to reply because she got distracted by Keith's messages. 

'Andrew! Sorry for my late reply. But what surprises are you talking about? And why are you not sleeping yet? It is still two in the morning there, right?' 

"Rhianne." Tim called her.

"Yes, dad?" She asked and turn her head around.

Tim is no longer reading his documents. He already put it inside his briefcase just a moment ago. Tim is now looking at his daughter who is busy texting her friends. When her father did not say anything, Rhianne stares at him and gives him a questioning look.


"How old are you again this year?" Tim suddenly asked.

"Ah? Well, I am turning eighteen this year." Rhianne replied. "Why do you suddenly ask me that." 

Tim suddenly let out a sigh before answering. 

"I am just thinking how times easily flies. In a blink of an eye, the little girl who keeps on clinging on me is now turning into a real lady."


Rhianne becomes more confused after that. She also heard the soft chuckle of their driver when he also hear those words. There are rare times when her father will become sentimental like this. But that is only because something or someone triggered it making her father reminisce about the past. But was only reading a document just a while ago though? What triggers him to be sentimental this time?

"Eugene and I met the other day." Tim suddenly said.

"...Keith's father?"


Tim let out another sigh again when he suddenly remember it. He just finished closing a business deal at that time in a restaurant and just waiting for his secretary to go back after sending their client when Eugene suddenly appeared and approached him. It turns out he also just finished a dinner with their business partners in that same restaurant. Since both of them has no prior appointments that day, they decided to stay there and have a few glasses of wine to kill some time.

The Cartel family and the Lancester family have a good relationship with each other. They are not rivals but they are not also partners in the business industry. They just have a good friendship that can give a helping hand to each other in case something happens. 

At first, Eugene and Tim are talking about their businesses and casually checking if they are doing well. Tim discovered that Calvin is determined not to inherit their family business since he wants to pursue his career in medicine. Although Eugene tried to talk to his eldest son about it, Calvin is a stubborn person who will never change his mind once he finally made a decision. Fortunately, his youngest son is very interested in their business and Eugene discovered that he has a unique talent in business management after giving him a few tests. 

After giving some thought to it, Eugene finally decided to make Keith his business successor in the future. But since he is still in college and trying to earn more book knowledge as much as he can, Eugene will still manage their business until his youngest son will become ready to take over his position. Eugene even told Tim that he will still handle their business for two or three more years before he can finally relax.

Since Eugene shared stories about his two sons, he also did the same. Tim told him that Francis will soon take over their family business since he already saw the capabilities of his son. He can be sure that their business will be in good hands and Francis will definitely do a good job of managing their business. As for his youngest daughter, Tim bragged that she is going to become a famous movie director soon and she will make them proud.

"Dad! Why do you have to say that?" Rhianne asked.

When Rhianne heard that part, she really want to ask why does her father need to brag about her like that. Sure, it is her dream to become a famous movie director. But she is still learning a lot and does not want to shorten her path to success. She is even thinking that her dreams will take a few more years before she can achieve them. But her father already claimed that she will become famous soon. 

"I am confident that my daughter can achieve all the things she wants in the future." Tim said. "Because you are our beloved daughter."


"But that Eugene..."


Tim clicked his tongue all of a sudden. Since they were talking about their children, Eugene did not miss his chance and finally asked about the relationship between their youngest children. Eugene did not hesitate to ask if he likes Keith for his beloved daughter. 

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