chapter 3

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After that everything happened so fast. The police came and took pictures of her body. And then wheeled her away. Tara drove me back to the bau. My mascara was all over my face. I felt lifeless. I was dead inside. I could see Tara's mouth moving but I didn't hear a single thing.

Tara guided me into the bau. I didn't look at anyone, but everyone looked at me. My head was silent I only heard one word


Over and over again. Everyone rushed up to me and hugged me. All I could say was
"My girlfriend is dead"
Everyone looked at each other.
I didn't realise that I just came out to the team. Penelope just kept holding me until Hotch told her to let go.

" I'm sorry y/n but bc if your relationship with the vic-"
"Eva" I said looking at the floor
"Right. I'm sorry but we now have to treat you as a suspect "
I heard loud noises everyone was arguing with Hotch. Spencer whispered in my ear "You're going to be okay"

No, I'm not

Nobody liked it bc I was as of now a suspect. So Emily guided me to the integrations room.
I stared at the glass mirror I just stared until someone brought me back to reality. Derek walked in.

"Hey sweetheart, how you doing"
I just looked up at him, my face said enough.
" I know I'm sorry. But I have to ask questions" I nodded

" how long have you and Eva been together" he asked

" 2 years" Derek looked shocked, probably bc I hid it so long.

" did you hide it bc of her drug use?"
I shook my head
" I didn't how to come out, but ig her drug use was also a part of it"

I hate talking about her like this.

" do you know any of the victims"
I nodded
I pointed to the picture of the vic that Derek laid out for me.
"He is her dealer" I say


" why didn't you say anything when you recognised him"

" bc I was scared you guys would like him to Eva. And well this is definitely not the way I wanted you guys to know about her. But now she's dead"

There's a big silence
Until jj walked in.
She had some papers with her and make-up wipes.
She gave Derek the papers and helped me to wipe off my run-down mascara.

" she's not a victim, she wasn't murdered. She just overdosed" Derek said
" so I'm not a suspect anymore?"
I asked and JJ walked out

"Y/n. You said it yourself the unsub is a family member of someone with an addiction. She died last night about an hour before the murders. Eva is the trigger"

" What NO I DIDN'T DO IT. I MEAN I LOVE HER BUT I DIDN'T DO IT" I screamed as tears rolled off my face. I started pacing around the room.

" y/n y/n ! Look at me, we know you didn't do it. We know the unsub is male, between 50-60 years old. Think about. He has a temper probably a complicated relationship with Eva " Derek looked me in the eyes as i calmed down.
" You know who he is"

I took a breath and said "Her dad"
Derek ran out of the room and left the door open.
" What what's going on" I ask as I see Emily in the doorway.
"We just called her parents to tell them-. He might be on the run"

She hugged me. I just collapsed in her arms. She sank down to the floor with me. And kept holding me. Until I saw Penelope behind her.

" I'm sorry I'm sor-"

"Shh it's ok" she said as she also joined me on the floor.

My head made everything worse
Cut cut I need to cut

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