chapter 35

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Emily went to clean up her makeup and I took out the lasagna.
She came back to help me. She carried the vegetarian one. And I the 2 normal once.

We moved outside and placed it on the table.
"Ooo that looks great" savannah said.
Emily put the vegetarian one infront of penelope.
"Em can you go inside to get some more wine?" She does so and I cut out the lasagna and give everyone a piece.

Em got back with the wine and I notice how she gave an affirming look to penelope.

O she definitely knows

Everyone sat down and started to eat.
"Rossi I took we have a new cook in town" hotch joked.
"I gotta day kid this is amazing "
Rossi responded.

"The kids are quiet, guess that's a good sign " jj said with a smile.

Everyone just talked and enjoyed the evening.
Once they had enough I packed took the plates to the kitchen and Spencer and p helped me. She only helped so she could put the left overs in the tupperwear box she brought.

I put the cupcakes in the oven, set a timer on my phone and moved back outside.

Spencer was showing the boys some magic tricks.

"The deserts are in the oven"
"Wow you really put a lot of effort in this" Tara said

I just smile at her.
I cant keep my eyes of of Emily.
And penelope noticed.
"She made it up to you didn't she" p said as she came to sit next to me on the couch.

I laughed awkwardly.
"Auntie y/n!" Jack called me over.
"Sorry, auntie duties"
Penelope laughed at me.

"What's up guys" I say to the kids.
"Look what I can do" jack said.
Jack shuffled the cards.
"Uncle Spencer teached me"
"Wow your really good at it"

I crouched down to their level when i feel a kid jumping my back.

"O what's happening " I say with a laugh.
"I want to fly auntie y/n" Micheal.

I grab on the him and stand up while bowing down alittle.
I run around the yard with him.

I put him infront of me. And hold him like a plane.
He puts his arms out.
"Look mommy I'm a plane"
He yells at jj.
I move him up and down and run to will with him.

"O no were going to crash into daddy"
Micheal screams in joy and I hand him over to will.

"Yk y/n your really good with kids. You will be a great mom one day"
Jj commented.
"Ow I rather we the cool auntie"
My phone goes of, the cupcakes I ready.
Penelope comes and help.

"Sooo...are you and emily a thing now" she asked while I take the muffins out the oven.
"Omg p, we just made up."
I put a few muffins on the plate.

"But your going on a date?" She asked.
I didn't say anything but she guessed that we are.
"I am so happy for you!"
"Shut up and help me get the muffins outside "
I put the muffins on the table, and see Micheal asleep in wills Arms.

"Oo I can set up a place for him to rest ?"
It was only 8:30.
But he usually sleeps at 8.

I got some blankets and extra pillows and a heater and put it outside in at the couch.

I put the heater on and will sat down. Micheal was laying on his lap and I put a blanket over him.

I give will a glass of water I sit down next to him for a second.

"Is it oke? Is it to hot?"
"It's perfect thanks y/n. I'd love a muffin tho" I laugh and go get one.
"It's still a little hot so be careful "

I go join the rest of the team again.
"These muffins are really good" hotch said.

"Hey boys do you want some?" Jj asked Henry and Jack.
They say yes and jj split a muffin in 2.
"It doesn't have to much sugar. I know you don't let Henry have a lot of sugar so this should be oke" I said to jj.

"Thanks y/n. The boys missed you alot"
Emily comes next to me and I noticed she got cold.
"Why don't we all go a little closer to the heater it's getting a little colder."
Everyone agreed.

The boys settled down a little and I gave them a blanket.

The kids were getting tired so hotch jj and will decide to leave.
"Thanks so much y/n" will said
"No worries. Goodnight kids "
I gave Henry and Jack a hug. Micheal was still asleep in will's arms.

Me and emily go sit down next to eachother shearing a blanket.

The rest of the team stayed a little longer. But then savannah and Derek headed out.

"Nice to see you again. The food was delicious" savannah said as they left.

Rossi, penelope, tara and emily left aswell.

Spencer helped me clean up everything and left aswell.

I was finally alone. And I was so exhausted.

I get my pj on, to tired to even take of my make up. And I went straight to bed. But I couldn't fall asleep immediately so I scroll on my phone and look at the pictures we took today.

I noticed how emily looks at jj.
I just don't understand what emily could see in me.
Jj is tall, beautiful , blond, slim ans kind.

How do I compeet with that?
I drag myself out of bed and take out my scale.
I haven't checked my weight in years.
But if I wanne look like jj, I need to watch My weight.

I step on the scale and I was surprised by the number.
I take out a paper and write it down. If I wanne be slimmer I need to keep track.

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