chapter 72

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Tw smoking

We worked our first case with agent walker. Immediately a heavy one.
The Tommy Yates case. He also escaped prison. He's the one who gives a name and location of his victims on Rossi's birthday.

*time skip 3 weeks *

My contract of my apartment was ending this week.
We hired a container to hold some of my interieur in for when emily and I have our own house.
We're almost 4 months together and it feels amazing.
I'm a month clean and I'm starting to become my old self again. Well plus the demons.

I was outside the bau smoking another cigarette. It does more then help with my thoughts and urges. It just feels nice. Emily hasn't found out yet.
I pop another mint.
And walk in the bullpen.

I see Spencer sitting at his desk.
"SPENCE!!"  I run towards him.
"Oo I missed you so much" he days while hugging me.

This whole time Spencer was with his mother.
The first few days we face timed.
Spencer was saying hello to agent walker when he got a call.

"A pipeline broke in my apartment" and he rushed out. But something felt of. I'm not sure what it is.

Emily called us in the conference room for a case.

"Last night, in tampa, this semi sort of doodle was discovered on the arm of a cadaver. That was being dissected in an anatomy class"
Penelope showed the image on the screen.
"What is it, some kind of tattoo?" Tara asked.

"No, its an ink pen drawing" emily answered.
I was looking through the pictures infront of me.
"Yeah, and luckily for law enforcement, the teacher of the anatomy class, is also the county coroner, and she recognised the marking. She'd also seen it on...Helen bollinger"

Penelope showed another picture.
The marking on Helen looked like an A but the marking of the more recent victim had another line.

"Helen was found dead in her car 10 days earlier. With 50 sleeping pills in her system and it was ruled as suicide" emily spoke and looked at me.
I have her a confused look back.
Why did she give me that look?

"With that scribbled on her arm? Please tell me there was an equivocal death investigation." Walker spoke.
I was still confused why em looked at me like that?
Was she worried bc suicide was mentioned?

"There was, but the M.E. determined that the evidence didn't meet the threshold to rule it a homicide"
Emily answered walker.

Luke walked up close to the picture.
"Okey luke before you say anything I've been wondering the same" I got up to the other side if the picture.
Everyone looked confused.

"The second victim has another line added to the marking"
I spoke.
"The design could be a work in progress" luke added.
Both luke and I sit back down.

"Do we have an id on the cadaver?"
Rossi asked.
"Yes. George Findley. He's a gulf war vet. He lived on the street for years. He died of a heroin overdose"
Again I felt Emily's eyes on me.

We continued talked about the mark.
"Reid can meet us later in florida. Wheels up in 10" emily spoke.
Everyone got up.

"You wait" I say to Emily.

"Oo trouble in paradise" Rossi joked bc of my stern voice.

Everyone walked out.
"Why did you give me that look?"
She sighs.
"I just wanted to make sure you weren't triggerd"
I roll my eyes.
"What's that?" Emily said as she grab my arm.

"I'm not made of porcelain em. I don't get triggerd bc someone said to word 'suicide'. I'm trying to be better. And finnaly I think I am. I'm opening up in therapy. I'm talking to you about everything. I'm becoming myself. Stop waiting for me to fall apart again"
I say pissed of.
This is the first time we had a discussion like this. We haven't had a fight yet.
"Okay I'm sorry babe I'm just looking out for you"

She kisses me and we walk out.
"Let's go"
"Wait I need to ask p for my key back. I'll be there in a second"
I run to penelope's cave.

"Aren't you supposed to be on your way?" She asked.
"Ye emily is waiting up for me. Eem I need to ask for my key back"
P turned around in her chair.
"What why-"
" you didn't so anything don't worry. My contract is ending. I've been living in em's apartment until we find a place for the 2 of us. Actual 3 of you count Sergio"

Penelope looked exited.
"Okay I can't talk about it now bc I have to leave"

"Right right. We'll talk later" p gave me her key and I run if to Emily's car"

* on the jet*

I was calling with Spencer to check up on him.
"Omg Spencer. Ugh yea okay bye"
I say before ending the phone call.

"And?" Rossi asked.

I sighed and rubbed my head.
"Short version? Spencer took his mom  out of the clinical study in Houston early and brought her home with him"
Everyone gather around.
"Did he say why?" Tara asked.
I sigh again.
"Evidently the experimental medicine isn't working" I explained.
Stephen joined the conversation.
"Which facility is he putting her in up here?"

"That's the thing...he isn't. He said he is bringing his mom to stay with him"
I explained further.
"At his apartment?" Luke asked.
I just nodd. This us going to make things so difficult for him.
"The instinct is admirable but does reid have any idea how difficult that's going to be?" Emily asked.

"Well if he didn't before, he is gonna get a crash course now. This morning his mom got into a fight with the new caretaker. Then she left the bathroom faucet running, flooded the apartment, the caretaker quit* breath* but Spence still wants to be patched in for the video conferencing now. Penelopes standing by"

Just about 2 minutes later Spencer and penelope appeared om screen.

Jj and I talked to Helen's husband.
Emily didn't want me to but I pushed.
I can handle it right?
The husband tells us about how there day went...and there 9 year old daughter.
"And you're certain she didn't take those sleeping pills with her when she left?" I asked.

The man gets frustrated and gets up
"Honestly I forgot she even had them"
"OK. And the mark on her arm?" Jj asked.
Once again the man speaks in frustration.
"Was not there when she left. I told the police that. Whoever killed her must have put it there"

He continues the pace around the room.
Jj asked of ther was a break in in there house recently.

"No, why?" He asked confused.
"Has anyone new had access to your home?" I went on.
"A repairman, a delivery person, that kind of thing" jj gave examples.
The man answered no very quickly before I released something.

"Two nights before Helen died, we came back from a dinner party, and out babysitter said she thought she heard a noise upstairs"
The man sat down again. Thinking deeply.
"Did you investigate?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I checked the whole house. Nothing was out of place, nothing stolen. Helen and I, we didn't give it another thought....omg could that have been him?"

The interview was done .
"Y/n?" I turn around to face jj.
"Are you okay? I know this case might be triggering for you"
She said kindly but it still pissed me of.
"Omfg I'm not fucking made of porcelain! I'm not going to break okay!"I say walking out the precinct.
I felt bad for yelling at jj like that.
Ig this case might be triggering eventho I pretend it's not.

I stand outside and light another cigarette.

After a few minutes emily came outside.
"Busted" I got startled and dropped my cigarette.

"A shit I want finished yet"
I turn around to face emily.
"Double shit"
"That's why you keep smelling like cigarettes lately. What is going on?"
I roll my eyes. Again.
And take another mint.

"Nothing is going on. I just wanted a smoke"
Emily got a hold of me.
"Y/n how long have you been smoking?"
She asked concerned.
"A while look it helps that's all. I can stop anytime"
I wanted to walk passed but she stopped me.
"Babe, if this case is triggering its normal don't be ashamed"
"I'm not triggered! Can we just get to work"

I walk back in and luke updated me.
George was infact not a drug uses. But an advocate for the homeless to gey those in need into drug rehab programs. That's what the 2 victims had in common. They both help out and are viewed highly by their peers.
The unsub forces to victims to die by their own hand.

Later that day 2 more victims.
A hetero couple.
But the male was the target. He was the only one with the marking. Wich added another line.

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