chapter 40

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* time skip a month. Y/n is getting out of the mental hospital. She's slowly becoming herself again. But still struggels.  Especially with self image since she continued gaining weight bc of her medication *
Tw weight gain?

Y/n's pov:

A month had passed. Penelope and Spencer came to visit me alot and I called up emily a few times. But besides that I haven't really seen the team.

I get in my car and drive home.
First thing I do is take a shower.
I haven't showered this whole month bc they don't let you without supervision.
I take out my clothes and do the laundry.
I take my bottle of antidepressants and decided to just put them in my cabinet. I don't like them. They make me feel weird and the weight gain.
I step on my scale and compare my weight to the weight I had before going in.

I gained 15 kg in a month! (No shame to anyone. <3)

My cuts healed nicely and turned into scars. I still feel insecure about them, but emily tried to reassure me everytime we called.

I dress up nicely. Some dc Martins, a normal jeans with a short leave button up and I put a cardigan over it.
I get on my motorcycle and drive out to the bau.
Only my sister knew the exact day and time I was getting discharged.

I arrived to surprise them, but in fact I got surprised.

I step out the elevator and look through the glass doors but i don't see anyone. I walk in confused.
I look around and go into hotches office. Nothing.

I walk up to the desks. Penelope's fluffy pen was on Derek's desk.
She would never give that pen to anyone.
I heard a little sound in the conference room.

What did p plan...

I walk up to the door and say in a deep voice.
"Fbi open up!! Penelopy garcia i know your in there. You don't clean up your crime scenes well" I couldn't hold my laugh, you could hear me giggling mid sentence.
I turn the the door.

Why do I wanne kick it.

"Oke Derek now I get why you always want to kick down doors. It's soo tempting " I say before opening the door.

"Suprise!!" Everyone yelled Spencer blew confetti in my face.
"Ugh its in my mouth " I say laughing
I noticed even strauss was in the room.
Everyone comes up to hug me.
"I knew pen couldn't keep a secret"
Rossi gave me 3 kisses on the cheek.
When I saw emily all I wanted to do was kiss her aswell.

"Welcome back" hotch said.
"Does that mean I'm allowed to come back?" I look at Strauss.
"You are more then welcome. Your suspension is lifted "
Everyone cheered.

People sat down and pourd champagne, there was a bigger welcome banner and some other decorations.

I walk closer to Strauss first.
"Can I hug you?" She looked at me surprised.
But I gave her a quick hug anyway.
"Thank you" she looked even more confused.
"Thank you for not firing me after I said those things" she gives a smile.
I don't think I have ever seen Erin smile.

She takes something out her pocket. It's the bullet I gave her.
"I kept it"
"I don't need it back" She smiled at my comment again.
"Champagne?" Rossi asked me.
"Eem is there fake champagne? My new antidepressants and alchol don't go well" I'm not planning on continuing taking them but I still had to take them this morning.

Rossi handed me and strauss a non alcholic drink.
"So what did I miss?"
"Serialkillers escaping prison" emily said casually.
"Wait what! When!"

"2 weeks ago. We had a case and there was a prison break out" hotch looked worried.
"What the hell happend. Why didn't I know anything" I look at p em and spencer  specifically.
"I didn't want to worry you. You needed to focus on your mental health" em explained.

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