chapter 78

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We got home.
We talked about our house. And what we plan to do.
We get the key in 2 weeks and can officially move in a week after that.

*next morning*

Emily woke me up with fresh coffee.
"You went to my favourite shop?" I was surprised by the nice gesture.
"Yep. It's kinda becoming my favourite too" she say with a smile.

She lays down next to me. And we both sip out coffee

I put on a loose shirt, And boxers I slept naked that night.

"I have to leave in an hour for therapy so I'll probably be late for work"
Emily puts my hair behind my ear.
"That's okay"

* it was time for therapy *

"Why don't you say anything?" Doctor blakely asked me.
"I don't have anything to say anymore. I'm happy, emily and I have a house now"
She sighs.
"Y/n just bc your happy now doesn't mean therapy has to stop. You got triggered on a case. And you still have issues with food. Just bc you feel happy on the surfice doesn't mean you can't talk about the feelings deep inside. The thoughts that you learned to block out."

Idk why but I got emotional.
I tear streamed down my face. Dokter blakely waited to for me to speak.
"I got my period yesterday"
I say before taking another breath, I haven't had my period in 2 months "
I cry out.

"Why does this make you upset?"
She asked me and waited patently for a response.

"I-i. It means my body is going back to normal. It means I'm gaining weight again..."
I didn't know what els to say.
Dokter blakely leans forward.
And grabs my hand.
I wanted to pull away first but I let it be.
Nothing she would say could help and she knew that. Nothing would change the way I feel so she just holds my hand. So I know its okay. And I'm allowed to have those feelings.

After therapy was done I went to work.
Went to penelope first.
"Hey p do you have some make up on you?" I asked. My face was red from crying.
" come here gorgeous. Why did you cry?" Penelope sat me down and grabbed her bag off make up.
"I just had therapy. Was heavier then I thought it would be"
Penelope grabs concealer and puts under my eyes.

"Want to talk?" She asked.
I sighed.
"No I talked enough"
She blends it out and gave me her mascara.
I put it on myself.
"Well I'm always here sweetheart. Ow remember when I told you I'm the good news fairy" I laugh and give her mascara back.

"What now?"
I ask her.
"Carlos and his wife have a Foster kids she's 2. If everything goes good they might adopt her"
Penelope says with a smile.
"Aww I always knew he would have a little girl. Thanks that sheered me up"
I smile to her.
And walk to the bullpen.

I text Carlos.
Y/n: heard you have a gorgeous little girl. Congrats on becoming a father. You'll do great.

After 10 minutes he texts back.
Carlos: want some pictures?
Y/n: eeem yes I want to see my new niece.

He sends a picture of her cute little face.
Carlos: it's not official yet but its looking great.

I close my phone and get back work.
We get informed that spencer was in prison
(I'm going to skip over the events of cat addams and Spencer being in prison )

I break down as I hear that spencer was intoxicated I knew he would never take or do drugs again. He wouldn't.
But yet I couldn't handel it.

I run outside the bau. I need air but I couldn't breath. Few seconds later Penelope followed me.
"Y/n look at me sweetheart " she turned me around. I was fully crying into a panic attack.
She gave a polite smile and hugged me pressured my body and comforted me.

After I calmed down she let go.
"He's going to be fine I promise"
"I-I don't know if I can survive if he doesn't"

(Sorry but idk how to write further about this so imma skip over it)

criminalminds x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora