chapter 27

887 10 6

Tw sh and case details ( I made the case up)

Another week passed.
It's time to get back to work.
I'm not cleared for the field yet but
I can work on the profile.

I did have a little set back tho.
I relapsed, I was having a really hard day. So I took and knife out of the kitchen drawer.
I had only made 1 small cut when spenc walked in. That was 3 days ago.

Eventho I'm going on a case now, i still have a session with my therapist every 2 days.

"You ready y/n"
"I still need to take my meds"
"O right"
Spencer gave me my meds and I drove to the bau, once again stopping for coffee first.

When I got there we went straight into the conference room.

( also is a bullpen the same as the conference room?)

There were donuts on the table
"P" I spoke out long, while leaning my head to the side a little.
"It's nothing big it's just donuts. How is it going with the antidepressants?"

Spencer was still in the room, at first I was uncomfortable talking about it with him there but then i realised he already knows everything.

"I've been having some side effects.
I just feel a little shaky sometimes but that's fine. I was already a bit shaky from anxiety so I'm used to that. But eem I'm also gaining weight. I haven't stepped on the scales in years but I just notice that my pants are a little tighter. And eem when I got in the shower I noticed I've been getting some more stretch marks."

"Hey hey hey" Penelope walked up to me and put both her hands on my voice.
"You my dear sister are gorgeous. You are not your body. Don't let those thoughts back into your head oke.
You are a beautiful human being, at every case in your live. When you were a chunky little kid. And how you are now. Your body is your home"

I laughed a little but still a tear had left my eye. She wiped it away and hugged me before the rest of the team came in.

"Welcome back!!" Jj rushed up and hugged me.

Everyone said down, penelope introduced the case.

There are 2 victims found with only 2 days in between the murders.
The unsub, stab them in the ear making them deaf. After doing that I killed them off cutting over there artery. A quick death.

"Wheels up in 30"

"Looks like our unsub is giving you a warm welcome" Derek said and patted my back.

Everyone at almost all of the donuts already. I take out one and see penelope smiling at me.

"Pls calm if your having difficultys to eat. We can face time over dinner?"

Pen was really concerned for me. She felt quily that she hadn't noticed I was developing an eating disorder as a child. It took her a year or 2 to get me the help I needed. But I never blamed her. How could she know when I hid it so wel?

"I think I might take you up on that offer. Thanks sis"
I started to walk out of the room.
"Bye pumpkin, be save!"

I walked over to Spencer who was waiting for me. I drive us to the jet, we were a little Early.

We sat down across each other in the 4 seat.
I put on my headphones and take out a book.

It's called 'this is how you lose the time war'

The music was just instrumental, it made me calm and helped me concentrate.
Whenever I read I go into a whole different world. It helps me escape my own.

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