chapter 73

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Eventually it was time to deliver the profile.

"The person we're looking for is targeting victims  of  high moral character, manipulating then into killing themselves-"

I hated that. The thought that your life I'd all good and someone makes you choose to take your own life so the people you love would be spared.
I wanted to kill that unsub myself. I had so much rage.  I understood the choose the victims made. If if I was in that place. I would make the same choice.

"Marking them, and then disposing of the bodies in secondary locations"
Emily went on.

I couldn't explain my rage to her. I couldn't tell her she was right that I felt triggered. Bc i don't want to be...I want to be okay. I was okay. But this case...

"All the victims crossed in some way. With the homeless community here in tampa." Rossi added.

"The killer may be homeless himself. Or possibly connected to the charitable outreach community"
Jj spoke.

"We belive this person is a loner. Evidence found on the victims may himself be a burn victim" walker spoke.
It was Tara's tun
"The killer left substantial dna and other trace evidence at two of the crime scenes. This indicates either he's sloppy, he's not in the system. Or he just doesn't care"

Now it's my turn
"The last possibility. Is the most concerning. It means he's resigned himself to be caught eventually and already had an end game In mind."
The end game I'm aiming for is seeing him death om the ground with a bullet In his crazy ass brain.

Usually I have sympathy for serial killers. But no matter how bad his momma wooped his ass I can't have sympathy for this guy.

"The secondary disposal sites are located in areas where the surrounding landscape has been disturbed in some way." Rossi stated.
"It's possible the unsub is making a statement, about the damage mankind is doing to the earth"

Not really a good way to be an activists

"The victims may have been placed there on purpose, as symbolic offering."
Emily went on.

"This could explain why the unsub forces victims to kill themselves. The hand that defiled the earth is turned on itself."
Stephens words gave me chills over my body.

"It could aslo explain why he's marking people of exceptionally high moral character. In ancient societies, only the purest of mind and spirit were offered up as sacrifices"
Tara explained.

I also hated that. Why kill the people who do good. Just get rid if the bad once. The once who actually hurt the earth.
"So the unsub may believe that what he's doing is actually both noble and morally right." Jj added.

My turn again...ugh why is this briefing so long.
"In philosophy it's called the doctrine of double effect, which states that it is permissible to do something harmful if it results in a greater good."

When is this thing over?

"The most recent killing shows a disturbing uptick in voilence and the killer's willingness to take risks."
Rossi spoke again and again.

And now emily again and again.
"This could be a sign he's devolving, and with this unraveling, the danger to the public is likely to escalate. Thank you"

Finally done

I immediately walk out.
I went to the bathroom to text Spencer.

Y/n: hey brainy how is it going?

Spence🧠: new nickname? And its going alright. You know how my mom is. I might have a new caretaker tho

Y/n: that's great news!
Y/n: I wondered if you had time to call maybe? I need to talk. I get it of you can't its totally understandable.

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