chapter 84

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Penelope calmed me down and I went back to rossi's office.
Luke left to Stephens wife.

We continued to look through the files

When Spencer got up quickly.
"What is it?!" I ask him.
I run behind him to penelope and matt

I look at the paper.
"Emily had texted hotch?" Penelope asked.
"She wouldn't" I said frustrated.
"According to Stephen's documentation, yes." Spencer answered penelope.
"It must have been a coordinated attempt to share Intel. Would hotch have exposed himself like this?" Matt asked.

"No!! Neither would she!" I said frustrated again.
"She wouldn't rely on a hackable app. And she sure as hell wouldn't write, 'A.H.' in a text. That defeats the purpose of compartmentalising the investigation." Spencer starts to write on the board.

"It was a smoke screen. " Penelope realised.
"Stephen had a background I'm counterintelligence. He must have designed this. He faked the hotch side of the conversation to entire scratch to make a move." Matt said.

Spence wrote the text on the board
Hundras connection is a go. Hunting down all leads to b-cap in dc. Thanks, A.H

"The size and scale of which indicate desperation, a desperation he hasn't shown after a year of hiding so why now?" Spencer asked

"A.H. is a pretty big red flag. Maybe that's what brought him out." Matt questioned.
I really didn't feel useful.
I felt like I couldn't help them, I was stuck worrying about emily. Is stiss how she felt when I was kidnapped?
"Well, they used hotch's initials in other texts before." Penelope said

"Then they found something else, something they knew would rattle him." Spencer went on.

I look on the board.
"B-cap? What's a b-cap?" I ask
"Georgraphy maybe. I mean It's mentioned in relevance to DC" Matt said.
"Maybe it's a code name for a partner?" Penelope asked.

I saw Spencer rubbing his eye again.
"I can't see it"
"Hey, no. Why don't we kick it over to the team? Maybe they can suss out..." Penelope asked him nicely.

"No. No time. Get out."
Spencer pushed us all out.

I hate feeling so helpless for Spencer but also for emily.

I took a moment outside while penelope and matt kept working.

"AHHHH" I scream and kick over a trash can. i slide the wall and break down in tears.
I can't think about the torture that he's putting her through. I can't think at all.
I feel in mad. I stand up and punch the wall.
"Aww" I say after I look at my knockles. There bleeding.

Emily would say I'm being self destructive again and that I need to look after myself.
I miss her so much.

I walk back in and see Spencer throws a book at a window
"Looks like I'm not the only one" I say while looking at my hand.

We rush in rossi's office.

"B-cap is short for banisters caapi. It'd a plant, specially a hallucinogen that's found in a tea called ayahuasca." Spencer said.
"We worked a couple of those cases, I think. If I remember, it's like peyote" matt said.

"Yeah, in multiple ways. They're similar legally in that taking them is considered a religious practice, and pharmacological, they're similar in that both drugs cause you to hallucinate intense, geometric patterns and vomit a lot"
Spencer went on.

I'm usually pretty smart but rn it's so difficult to follow.
I hold my hands on my head.
"I hate that my brain isn't following but what does this have to do with scratch?" I ask.
Spencer rubs his eye again.
"Well, scratch has a cocktail of dissociative drugs to induce delusions but a mathematical mind like his would always be looking for ways to tweak and improve the formula"

"So he went to Honduras to look for it. He then brought it back to dc to experiment with it. Stephen and emily came to the same conclusion and tried to pretend like they were hot on his trail"
Matt said.

"We need to track down all practitioners of the ceremony in the district...shamans, gurus, overnight religions that just hung their first shingle. He could be using one of their volunteers as a partner, either witting or unwitting"
Spencer went on.

Penelope gave him a look.
"What?" He asked.
"You threw a book at a window, jt was jarring." She says.

"Well I kicked over a trash can and very stupidly punshed a brick wall" I show my hand.

Spencer was worried he was way to slow and emily might die bc of it. He walks out.

Penelope looks at me and says " she's not going to die" she takes my hand and took care of it.
"I figured something out. It's rhe only thing I was able to figure out" Penelope listend to me carefully.

"Will going through the investigation I saw that Peter Lewis hos father died when he was only 13. Jack is 13 now...he wants to kill hotch to see how Jack grows up. He will not leave Jack alone. And he probably thinks emily knows where hotch is" i say to penelope.

"We will get there in time"

After an hour or so penelope found a location.

I got in the car with matt and we called luke.
"Hit the paddle!!" I scream at matt.
"I'm not letting her die"

Spencer arrived and we were right behind him. I take my gun and say.

"He's mine!!"

I say to matt.

Spencer was already inside.

"Prentiss? Reid?" Luke screamed.
I run inside.
"Emily?!" I scream her name.
I hear shots getting fired and run to the sound.

I see a stairs case and I saw Peter Lewis, a fired a shot at me.
I hear Spencer say in my ear piece that he has emily.
"I'm going after him!" I say to the team .

"I'm coming with you" luke was behind me and we run up the stairs.

The stairs lead to the rough and I saw scratch climbing down a ladder.
He shot a fire at us.
He kept aiming at luke so I run down.
"Garcia!" Luke said in a quite but still kind of yelling voice.

I get close and he fired at me again but missed.
I managed to shoot him in the hand and he dropped his gun.

"Nowhere to go Peter!"
I jump down on the platform with him but then the rack falls down.

Both mister scratch and I where holding on to the edge of the building.

"Y/n!" Luke wanted to come and grab my hand "No stay back" I yelled at him.
I didn't want scratch to pull him down.

Scratch started to kick my to get me to fall.
I return a kick and one of his hands slip.
"It's a big fall Peter" I say teasing.

"Help me pls help me" I says as he feels his grib loosens.
But luke doesn't it's for the best.
My hand start to get sweaty too.
Just a second after Peter falls down.

"Now pull me up pls" luke grabs my arms and pulls me up in his arms.
My legs where ripped from the wall

I look down at the ground where scratch's body lies.
I spit down.
"I win" I say to him.
I speak into the ear piece.
"Scratch is down, I repeat scratch is down"
I felt relieve all over my body.

Lukr and I get down.
I stare at scatch's body.
I hear foot steps.
I see emily and immediately hug her.
I cry on her shoulders.
"Don't ever do that to me ever again!"
She holds on tight.

"He fell down the fire escape, he tried to take y/n down with him" luke said to matt, Spencer and emily.

I hold emily

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