chapter 38

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Tw: talk of basically everything y/n went through ig

I arrived at the pshycward I had all things packed that I needed.
I saw doctor blakely waiting at the entrance.

I gave my bags they looked through them and took my medication for safety.
"You wanne call anyone before you actually go in? You can put 3 contact on a list of you want."

I put penelope's and Spencer's contacts on the list and I decided to call p.

"Ow hi pumpkin I've been meaning to ask. What did Strauss decide?"

"Eem I'm, I'm suspended. But I called to tell you that. Idk how to say it but I'm getting admitted into a mental hospital right now"

"What? For how long? Why?"
Pen was really confused and in shock.

"For a month. I put you contacts on a list sp you can come visit. Idk when you will be allowed to visit though. I'm sorry pen Im not doing good. I got to go" I end the phone call and give away my phone.

They check me to make sure I don't have a belt or anything on me j can hurt myself with. Once they clear me they give me my bag back and put on a wrist band.

I don't like hospital, never did. But I cant do this anymore.

Doctor blakely walks me around the area. Shows me my room and my roomate. The therapy rooms. Music room , dinning room.

Tells me everyday is scheduled. And that she won't be the only therapist I'm going to talk to. But that she's always here, and if she isn't that they can call her up anytime.

I go and get settled in my room, I don't have to follow everything on the schedule today bc I only just arrived.

The girl in the room looks nice. She has the same scars i have but i don't want to show mine yet. They are still wrapped up anyway.

Penelope's pov:

"For a month. I put you contacts on a list sp you can come visit. Idk when you will be allowed to visit though. I'm sorry pen Im not doing good. I got to go" y/n ended the phone call.

I was in shock. What did Strauss tell them!

I run out my office with my phone in my hand.

"Where are you running to gorgeous?" Derek commented.

"Not now my gorgeous chocolate thunder! Hotch sir?!" Every looked confused as for why I'm yelling.

Hotch comes out of his office.

"Is everything alright pen?" Jj asked me
I ignore her and keep looking at hotch.
"Is straus in today?"
"She's in her office but doesn't want to be disturbed"

"Well I am disturbing "
I March my way to her office but Derek pulls my arm.

"Okey hold up baby girl, what is going on. You've got your little pounding face "
I let out a breath and look at the team.
"Y/n just got herself admitted in a mental hospital. I think Strauss might have said something "

"O we are disturbing " emily said and joined my march.
The whole team followed behind us.

We basically knock over the door and enter Strauss's office.

"Leave my door standing will you? What can I do for you garcia "

"Y/n got admitted to a mental hospital and we believe you have something to do with it" emily said pointing her finger.

"Can we all just calm down. Have you guys even considered this might be a good thing. Y/n is going to get the help she needs without interference of a difficult day at the job or so on." Spencer explained.

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