chapter 62

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Tw ed

Emily's pov:

I barely slept. I was worried about y/n. This was not the way I should have talked to her about this. I forced her to eat infront of me and then confronted her about it.

It was 6 am rn I decided to call penelope.

P.G: Goodmorning new unit chief I was just about to leave to work.

Em: have you heard from y/n?
P.G: not since last night. You 2 must have had a steamy celebration

Em: no I eem- I talked to her about her weight loss and she ran off. I haven't heard from her I hoped you did.
Em: I was so stupid. I should have done it differently.

P.G: when things get difficult she runs off sometimes. Not unlike you. I'm sure she's okay right? Maybe she want to Spencer? Or maybes she's just at work already?
Em: ill come in in an hour. I hope she's okay.

I made breakfast. And packed some for y/n hoping she will accept it.
After an hour I arrived at the bau.
Hotch's office now had my name on it.

Everyone came in seconds after me.
"We heard about what happend. Have you found y/n yet?" Tara asked.

Penelope came rushing in.
"I pinged her phone she's here in the building."
"She must have slept here" rossi said.

We start walking around when jj heard music.
"Guys over here"
We all moved closer.
The music was coming out of Derek's old office.
The curtenis were down and we all stopped to listen to the lyrics she was singing.
(Fat funny friend)

I say I'm okay
'Cause they wouldn't care anyway

And I could try to explain
But my efforts in vain
They can't relate to how I've-

Drawn out in Sharpie where I take the scissors
If that's what it took for me to look in the mirror

I've done every diet to make me look thinner
So why do I still feel so goddamn inferior?

Can't be too loud
And can't be too busy
If I don't answer now, are they still gonna need me?

Can't be too proud and
Can't think I'm pretty
Do they keep me around, so their flaws just seem silly?

Life of the fat, funny friend

She stops singing but the song keeps playing
I look at the team and everyone is in shock.
"I-i didn't know. Otherwise I wouldn't have said anything about the weight lose" luke said in shock.
Rossi put his hand on luke's shoulder.

"I think we ladies should handel this one" jj said. Rossi, Spencer and luke walk away.

I knock on the door.
"Y/n it's Me emily. Penelope jj ans tara are here too. Can we come in?"
I hear her say "shit" before stopping the music and moving around alot before she actually opens the door.

"Sorry ill clean it up. I'll be out in a second" She says while cleaning up the desk.
We all move in and jj closed the door behind her. Y/n stops and looks at us.
"You heard me sing didn't you"
She read our faces and we all nodded.

"Y/n your beautiful. You-" Tara tried to speak but y/n cut her off.
"It's just a song"  she responded while continuing to clean up the room.

"It's not just a song. You literally told me you sing what you feel. And after our talk yesterday "
Y/n turns her backs to us to hid her emotions.

"Talk to us" jj said.
Y/n started to speak but her voice trembles as I hear her cry.
"I just- everytime I look in the mirror. I still see that fat middle schooler who got bullied"

"You don't see your perfect-" y/n cut jj off.
She turned around.
"No im not! You are litterly a goddess. Your skinny and tall and blond..."

Penelope walked up to y/n in tears.
She held on to her.
"You are not jj. Everyone is different. But that doesn't mean your less beautiful "

"Beauty goes deeper than the surface. And you my friend are gorgeous. Both outside and especially in" Tara walked up to y/n aswell.

"We love you for you. You don't have to change yourself" I said to her.
"I wish you could see yourself as i see you" I went on. I step closer aswell.

"Let's us help. Let's us show you how beautiful you are. We are your mirror now" jj said. We finally gather in a groups hug and y/n broke down in tears.
"I love you. And im here okay" I wisperd to her.

Y/n's pov:

Once everyone back out of the hug we walked to the bullpen.
Luke, rossi and spence look at me sympathetic.
"Great now newbie knows"
I say laughing.
"Does anyone have deodorant?" I ask.
Jj lent me hears.

Em and I move to her office.
"It's weird sitting in this chair"
Em said.
"It's weird seeing you sit in that chair"
Em placed a tupper wear bowl on the table.
"I brought breakfast. Pls try it's just some fruit"
I look at em and take the bowl.
I take a few bites when the director walked in.

"Good to see that your already settled in" he said.
Em stands up "director " she shakes his hands.
"Eem ill leave you 2 be" I wanted to leave but he stopped me.
"Actually I wanted to talk to both of you. Could you close the door agent garcia?" I do as he says and give Spencer a look as I do so.

He cathed on and everybody looked through the window.

"What is it sir?" Emily asked.
"I'm aware of the relationship both of you have-"
He starts to talk but em interrupted him.
"Sir our feelings for each other doesn't have anything to do with our professionalisme on the job"
I look at her and give her a 'well said' look.
"Your feelings for eachother already have effected the job. About 6 months ago you agent garcia ran into a burning building to safe agent prentiss. And I believe you 2 weren't even romantic engaged back then"
I scuff.

"Sir with all do respect. Everyone in this team is family. We have all saved each others live more than once. This does not have anything to do with out relationship. And as far as i recall you and your wife also met on the job am I correct?"

He was silent.

"So it would be very hypocritical to say that we can't date bc of our work relationship."

"I just want to make sure that your emotions won't get in the way of the job" I really didn't appreciate his look.

"Ow wow okay. Cause women are so emotional right? Are we playing the sexist now? Or are you just speaking directly to me bc my issues with mental health? Or maybe your just homophobic and you don't want the unit chief to be in a lesbian relationship so you came here to break us up? Tell me wich one is it?"

He looked shook at me.
"Fine just fill this file"
He dropped the file and walked out. Bumping into penelope who was standing at the door.
"Oo sorry sir" she said looking down.
When he was gone everyone walked in.

spence and penelope had listened in.
But it looked like everyone in the bullpen knew what I said.

"That was badass" luke yelled from his desk.

Penelope who was standing next to me looked surprised
"What? This relationship is the only thing keeping me going I wasn't going to let him ruin it."
Emily was bitting her lips.
She stopped once she noticed I kept looking at it.

"So what's the file?" Penelope asked.
I picked it up and read it.
"Apparently we have to document our relationship "
I roll my eyes bc I think its stupid.
"I'll leave you too it"
Penelope left us alone.

"We didn't get to celebrate last night but you are getting it tonight" emily said.

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