Chapter 5

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lying in bed in the evening, you were scrolling through instagram stories to pass the time.

you came across Harus' story, and saw her, Yuka, and Akani having a picnic and watching the stars.

you checked your messages to see if any of them texted you; but there were none.

your heart sank, feeling left out.

'did i do anything to make them mad at me?'

you asked yourself, unsure of why they wouldn't even invite you to hangout.

an uncomfortable feeling dwelled in your chest,  so you got up and changed into some casual clothes to talk a walk and clear your mind.

you sauntered down the stairs, headphones already in and telling your mom you'd be out for a bit.

as you left the house, you walked to a more secluded area and just wondered around.

the longer you followed the sidewalk, footsteps were heard close behind you.

a tinge of fear ran through you, and you picked up the pace.

to your unease, the person quickened their pace to match yours. checking subtlety behind your shoulder, all you could make out was a tall figure in a black hoodie and black pants.

before your anxiety about the situation could go any further, you felt a warm hand grab your shoulder.

as you drew back to get ready to punch the person who was following you, they spoke.

"whoa, hey, easy dude! it's just me." you looked up and saw Draken.

looking behind you, the guy following you quickly moved to the other side of the street and rushed away.

you sighed in relief and grinned at Draken.

"you were here at the perfect time. i think that creep was following me." you explained, and he looked to his side at the figure now fully disappearing by turning at a corner.

he moved the hand that was one your shoulder to around both of your shoulders, his arm resting comfortably.

"i saw you walking a few minutes ago, and then i saw that guy started to follow you, so when he was getting closer i decided to step in."

you smiled gratefully at him, and the two of you kept walking.

after a few moments of silence, Draken spoke up as you had your eyes trained on the ground.

"why are you out this late, anyways? it's pretty dangerous in this area."

"i uh, just wanted to clear my head. walking and music helps with that." putting on a fake smile you looked back up at him, who was sold on your facade.

"well, next time you wanna be dumb and go out in the dark text me and i'll come with you. i know any of the guys would come too."

he offered, and you thanked him.

"why did you need to clear your mind anyway?"

Draken asked, slightly worried on how quiet you'd been. usually you were joking around with anyone, and your carefree attitude was less evident.

"ah, it's nothing. it's just me over thinking." you laughed, but he didn't laugh with you.

instead, he looked down with worried eyes, and you shot him a reassuring smile.

'i've never seen her this quiet before. she's always so independent, so what could've happened to make her overthink?'

Draken decided to drop it for now, telling himself you were probably just tired and would be back to normal in the morning.

you and him made a few jokes as the walk went on, and a small smile stayed on both of your faces.

the two of you walked in comfortable silence, and after a while you decided to both go home and get some sleep.

Draken walked you home, not wanting to have a replay of the close call earlier that night.

as you reached the front door steps to your house, Draken took his arm off your shoulders and you faced each other.

"thanks for saving my ass tonight." you joked, making him chuckle.

"don't mention it. thanks for making my night more interesting." he shot back, sharing a look of content with you.

before he turned to leave, Draken had a small surge of confidence and brought you into a warm embrace.

before you could process what was happening, he pulled away.

"goodnight, y/n."

"goodnight Kenny." the nickname gave him butterflies, and even through the darkness you could see his face turn red.

he put his back to you quickly and started walking home, and you entered your house.

by the time you got in and took your shoes off, your mother was already in bed.

you quietly walked up the stairs, entering you room and climbed in bed without bothering to change.

you checked your phone for any messages, yet you had none.

you took it into your own hands and texted Haru, wanting to know why you hadn't heard from them all evening.

hey, i saw u guys hung out td, not tryna sound annoying but can i ask why i wasn't invited?

your heart started beating faster, overthinking the situation and as you reread the text you thought it sounded desparate.


"shit, y/n texted me. how'd she know we hung out without her?" Haru said to Yuka and Akani, who had all gone to Yukas house for the night.

Akani pulled out his phone, and went to instagram.

"Haru, dude! you put the picture of us having the picnic on your public story; not the one that doesn't have y/n on it!"

they looked at each other with wide eyes before Haru typed out a message.

ah, sorry about that! we just thought you'd be busy with ur new friends

oh, it's okay

r u mad at me or smth?

god y/n, not everything revolves around you. we're allowed to hangout without u without it being out of spite

your heart dropped at her text.

'did i do something wrong? why is she so stand-off ish?'

bro no need to get defensive, i was just asking

yeah well maybe next time just let us have fun without being a ruining the night.

what's ur problem? i just wanted to make sure it wasn't anything i did.

just leave it y/n.

read 10:47 p.m

why was Haru being so mean? you couldn't think of anything that could've made her act that way.

all of the happy feelings you had before from hanging out with Draken slipped away and you were left with an empty feeling in your heart.

you tried to go to sleep after that but kept replaying the conversation in your head, ultimately getting a bad sleep.

when you did manage to fall asleep, it was restless, and you dreaded tomorrow coming as you'd have to see them all at school.

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