Chapter 50

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     willing your body to stop shaking, you stood in front of Hanma and Kisaki.

Kisaki had his lips formed into a straight line, while Hanma was grinning like a maniac.

Hanma rose from his seat, guiding you into the middle of the room with his hand on your back. you shrank away at his touch, a chill running down your spine.

his voice echoed through the walls, causing everyone's attention to be set on where you and him were standing.

harsh glares were sent your way, most members recognizing who you were.

"listen up," Hanma started, "y/n here is going to join Valhalla." after his words, an uproar is disapproval rang through the crowd.

nonetheless, he continued to speak.

"although she has caused a good amount of trouble for us, she has qualities that we'll want on our side.

"now, we can't just trust her that easily. so, im giving you all a turn to get your anger out, and in turn have us gain trust." the people gathered around, evil smiles growing on their features.

your heart beat was heard in your ears, anxiety washing over you.

Hanma then spun you around to face him, not giving you time to process it before a punch connected with your jaw.

you stumbled back from the impact, bracing yourself for more hits to come.

some of the Valhalla members came closer, throwing kicks and punches as you just stood and took it.

with your vision blurry, you fell to the ground after multiple hits but they kept coming.

you were surrounded by every angle, quickly becoming bloodied and bruised.

grunting in pain, you covered your head with your arms and screwed your eyes shut, an overwhelming pain shooting through every inch of you.

it went on like that for a few more minutes, before everyone backed off and even in an enormous amount of pain, relief flooded over you.

that feeling was short-lived, though, as Hanma and Kisaki both walked over to you.

Kisaki crouched down, making direct eye contact as you panted with blood clouding your vision.

"i'm going to make your life a living hell", he whispered so only you could hear, making your blood run cold.

he then stood up to his full height, landing a hard kick to your side. a crack reverberated around the room, and you screamed in pain as one of your ribs broke.

the only sound was your muffled cries and Hanma laughing in the background.

"so, do we trust y/n now?!" Hanma yelled out, and a chorus of approval ran through the members.

most people quickly grew bored after there was no more violence to dish out, and they walked away to chatter amongst themselves.

you were left on the ground, attempting to catch your breath. blood pooled around you, from scrapes and cuts that littered your body.

Hanma looked down at you, smirking.

"you can go now. make sure to be here again in two days; same time. theres a meeting."

and with that he walked away, leaving you to slowly pick yourself up off of the ground and limp away.

even in your beaten state, you got out as quickly as you could, your body filled with fear.


Draken and Mikey arrived back at the brothel, looking at the time.

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