Chapter 45

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waking up in a cold sweat, you panted heavily in bed, wondering how you got back from the park earlier that night.

looking out of the window, it was still dark, and when you checked your phone, the time read 3:44 a.m.

screwing your eyes shut, you focused on calming your breathing. a pounding headache that raged in your head didnt help the matter, and your body ached with stress and from climbing on the playground last night.

you placed a hand on your chest, feeling your spastic heartbeat and your chest rise and fall, slowly growing to a normal speed.

taking a deep breath, you flopped back into the mattress, sighing heavily.

even though the events of last night were fun and you had a good time, it didn't keep you from forgetting everything that had happened before that.

Kazutora came into mind, making your heart ache when you pictured his face.

thinking of Hanma and everything he put you through, sent a cold shiver down your spine.

nothing from those experiences made you stronger; if anything, they made you weaker,
and it sure as hell wasn't a learning experience as some people would put it.

it was unfair. everything that happened was unfair.

you laid in bed, eyes wide open, as tears started to pour out, staining your face as they dried before new ones streamed down.

an uncomfortable feeling grew in your chest, making your skin crawl.

tossing and turning, unable to find a comfortable position, you sat up again.

'why am i thinking of all of this right now? i thought things were getting better.' you thought to yourself, a wave of sadness washing over you.

more tears pooled down your face, making you frustrated as you frantically wiped them away.

'stop crying. you shouldn't be crying.'

but, the tears wouldn't stop. you couldn't make them stop. it was physically impossible to calm yourself down, as you hugged yourself tightly and curled up in a ball, unsure of what to do.

'how do i make this go away? why can't everything just be okay again?'

your hands raised to your head, pulling on your hair as if to release anger.

growing uneasy and more frustrated by the second, you jumped out of bed, not bothering to change your clothes as you quietly walked out of your room, into the main lobby and headed into the elevator.

the second you got outside, a cold rush of air hit your face and you took a deep breath, walking down the sidewalk.

an alley was on your right, and you turned into it, stopping at one of the walls.

without hesitation you raised your fists, punching the stone wall repeatedly as your knuckles became bloody.

even more tears dripped down your cheeks and hit the floor, mixing with drops of blood.

once your hands couldn't take any more impact, you still felt angry so you switched to kicking the wall.

you kicked it hard, your shoes scraping against the surface and sending a shooting pain up your legs.

finally, you stopped, being in too much pain to continue.

you looked down at your shaking hands, seeing blood running down your fingers as open cuts littered your skin.

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