Chapter 8

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     (a/n: the picture above is how i imagine Ren to look, and the rest of the new characters can be up to you as well as him!)

   your hands were shaking slightly as you took a bottle of vodka from Ren, hesitantly taking a big sip of it.

you braced yourself for the foul taste, but to your surprise, it didn't taste as bad as you expected it to be.

"huh, this stuff isn't bad." you said out loud, and the group giggled at you.

"y/n," Chibi started, getting your attention. "is this your first time drinking?"

all eyes were on you now, and you stared back at them sheepishly.

"ahah yeah, none of my friends drink so i never really had the opportunity to."

"well, we're now your friends, so you'll have a lot more chances to!" Kioshi said, making you laugh at his words.

"well thanks!" you said, and laughter filled the air.

the bottles were being passed around from person to person, and so far you had taken three shots.

suddenly, Aiyo had a mischievous grin on her face and turned to you.

"i have a dare for you, y/n." you smirked at her, knowing whatever it was you'd do it, no questions asked.

you nodded at her to continue, and she spoke again. "i dare you to chug some of that bottle."

Ren stared at her in disbelief, not thinking she'd help you make poor decisions.

in your buzzed state, with liquid confidence flowing through you, you grabbed the bottle from her hand and put the spout to your lips.

you tipped the bottle back, chugging the liquid down as a burning sensation passed through your throat.

cheers could be heard from a mile away, as everyone was laughing and chanting your name in encouragement.

you brought the bottle back down and shut your eyes closed at the gross taste in your mouth.

Ren came up to you and patted you on the back, impressed that you accepted Aiyo's dare without any hesitation.

"damn y/n, you're one brave person." he said from behind you, and the others hummed in agreement.


for the next hour or so, the time was passed by you and the guys in the group running around and climbing things like maniacs, while Hana and Aiyo watched you all, laughing their heads off.

as you grew dizzy from the movement, you excused yourself and sat down on the cool grass, pulling out your phone.

"guys guys! let's take a picture! to commemorate our new friendship!" you laughed, and they all huddle in close.

"why not," Kioshi said, "at least this way we'll have something to remember the night by."

you all laughed and once you all calmed down a little bit, each of you chose a small pose to do.

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