Chapter 59

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     as you exited the holding cell, the detective you met with earlier and an officer accompanied you into an office.

it was a much friendlier environment than the interrogation room that you were questioned in.

another cop, who was sitting behind the desk in the office, motioned for you to sit down.

once you did, he started speaking immediately.

"so, ms. l/n, we have talked to Shuji Hanma and he admitted to attacking you in the park. he has taken full blame for the situation."

you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, almost in disbelief that Hanma would just admit to what he did so easily.

being sure that he was going to pin it on you and get you arrested, hearing this from the officer was a huge shock.

he continued speaking, his voice tired. "he is in the hospital right now, but you have the option of wether you want to press charges or not. it was purely self defence, what you did, so you won't be charged with any act of violence."

hardly thinking through what he said, you sat up straighter in your seat and spoke in a quiet voice.

"i want to press charges."

he nodded, writing something down. "alright, now it isn't as easy as that. there will be a court date soon, which you will have to attend as the victim and eye witness. since you and him were the only ones there, it might be tricky to plead your case if he changes his statement at all.

"but for now, you're free to go. is there anyone that can pick you up?"

"yeah, can i borrow a phone?" he nodded again, motioning for the officer behind you to lead you to a phone.

you exited the room, thanking everyone on your way out.

the office showed you to a phone hooked onto the wall, leaving you alone to do something else, you picked it up, dialling a familiar number.


"hey Kenny, it's y/n."

"y/n! what's going on? what the hell happened?"

"uh, it's a long story," you chuckled hollowly, not wanting to relive the events of the night.

"i'm at the police station, you think you guys could come pick me up?"

"yeah, yeah of course. we'll be there soon."

with that he hung up, and you sat down on a bench and waited for the boys at the brothel to arrive.

it was only a few minutes of waiting, when four boys exploded through the police station doors and looked around frantically.

you stood up, and caught their line of sight, Draken, Mikey, Baji and Mitsuya all rushing towards you.

Draken enveloped you in a tight hug, holding your head against his chest. you hugged back, not wanting to let go.

after everything that happened, all you wanted to do was stay in his arms.

while hugging him, and remembering how desperately you wanted to see him when Hanma was pointing his gun at you, you came to a realization.

'i love him,' the thought brought butterflies to your chest, your face heating up.

Draken pulled away from the hug, cupping your face with his hands. he bent down so he was eye-level with you, worry glossing over his eyes.

"are you okay?! what happened?" you smiled weakly at him, moving your eyes to your friends who were close behind.

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