Chapter 56

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the gun shot reverberated through the air, causing everyone to flinch.

the parking lot was filled with silence, no one daring to speak as the only sound was rain pouring down and hitting the concrete.

Hanma ducked down, screwing his eyes shut. he opened his eyes after a few seconds, realizing there was no pain or contact that had hit him.

you were standing, staring at him with ragged breaths tearing at your chest, the gun held upwards pointing at the sky.

the bullet went into the air; hitting nothing. your friends understood what had happened, and let out a collective sigh of relief.

tears were streaming down your bloodied face, and all of Toman and Valhalla looked on at your dishevelled figure.

sirens were heard in the distance, and anyone who could walk started to flee the scene, carrying their injured members.

the boys rushed over to you, as you avoided their shocked gazes, throwing the gun to the side and reaching Hanma, crouching down in front of him.

"if you don't stay away from me and Toman, o won't hesitate to shoot you next time," you stated lowly, watching as Hanma, shaken up, rose from his position on the ground and walked away without a single look back.

you dropped onto your knees, trying to control your sharp and fast breathing.

Draken crouched down beside you, placing his hand gently on your back as the rest of your friends peered down at you in concern.

"thank you for not doing that," Draken said to you, his voice barely above a whisper.

you only nodded, keeping your gaze on the floor as hot tears wet your cheeks.

"we've gotta get going," Mitsuya started, "the cops are on there way."

standing up slowly, you made your way to the last few motorcycles belonging to you and your friends and hopped onto yours, turning the key in the ignition and the engine roared to life.

waiting for the rest of the bikes to start up, you all sped away into the night.

you took one final look back at the now abandoned parking lot, blood spattered on the ground being washed away by the rain.

turning your head back to the road ahead, you drove steadily, not knowing if you were still crying or it was drops of rain hitting your face at a high speed.


once you reached the brothel, Mitsuya, Mikey, and Baji decided to come in with you and Draken as they were all shaken up and wanted to keep you company as well.

you hadn't spoken since the last words you uttered to Hanma, a raging tide of thoughts rushing around your head.

emptiness spread into every part of your mind and body, crippling any thought of shaking that feeling away.

it raised an uncomfortable feeling in your chest, making your skin crawl.

the boys parked their bikes and walked into the building with you trailing behind.

they didn't want to talk to you as they feared saying the wrong thing, seeing as you were in such a vulnerable state.

with your lips forming a straight line on your face, you walked into the elevator with them wordlessly.

an uncomfortable silence filled the elevator, the cheesy music coming from it only making the situation worse.

Draken looked towards you, worry evident on his features as he wanted to be able to do something for you, but nothing came to mind.

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