Chapter 23

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     bright light and a pounding headache arose you from your slumber, causing you to groan and rub your hands over your makeup-smudged face.

"oh, you're awake." Draken's voice came from beside you, and you look up to see him sitting against the headboard on his phone.

"ugh, yeah. morning." you replied in a raspy voice, and Draken turned his phone off, turning to fully face you.

"you gotta tell me what happened last night,

your heart dropped, a sinking feeling forming in your stomach.

"do i really? i mean, i went to a party and someone was being an asshole. there's not much to explain."

he sighed, looking at you pointedly.

'i was manic again. i can't tell him that though, he'll think i'm crazy!'

you sat up and faced him, avoiding eye contact.

he spoke up again, with a soft voice. "i know there's more you aren't telling me. i mean, this is the second time something like this has happened. what gets into you that makes you so reckless?"

"i don't know! let's just go get some breakfast or something, yeah?"

"y/n there's no getting out of this conversation. you have to tell me what's going on."

panic rose in your chest, feeling sick to your stomach from his words and the amount of alcohol you drank last night.

"i'm fine, i promise. there's nothing to worry about."

"you're obviously not fine. a lot has happened to you, but i don't even think that's why you act like this. what are you not telling me?"

Draken kept pushing you to tell him, but you still denied everything.

telling him that you went through crazy moods like depression and mania and intense anger would for sure freak him out.

you were at a loss. you wanted to tell him everything that was happening inside of your head, but you knew you couldn't. you had to deal with this on your own; it wasn't anyone else's job.

"look, Draken, it's none of your business. i can handle my own shit by myself."

"well i'm making it my business! everyone worried about you, how blind can you be to not see how bad things are getting?!" his voice rose in anger, and you flinched at the tone.

tears welled in your eyes, but you held your ground and rose your own voice.

"i know how bad it's gotten! i'm the one living it! but i don't know how to explain this type of shit," your voice cracked at the end, Draken lowering his voice and speaking softer.

"let me help you y/n, you have people who can help you so let us."

"i-i can't! it's not your problem anyways. it's mine."

you stood up from the bed, running your hands through your hair.

"jesus, just tell me what's wrong!"

with his words you finally broke, hot tears streaming down your face.

"i have borderline personality disorder! is that what you want to hear?!" at your exclamation, Drakens heart sunk and he gazed at you with pity, finally understanding your outbursts.

"at least, i think i do. that's what doctors have said anyways."

as he saw your teary-eyed figure, he swiftly moved from off of the bed and strode over to you, enveloping you in a tight hug.

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