Chapter 53

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once you and Draken left the gym, calling it quits for the day, Draken headed back to the brothel to catch up on sleep while you stayed out, wandering around the area.

music was blasting in your ears, and you were riding off the feeling of adrenaline from practicing fighting.

although, the feeling quickly left, frustration replacing it.

you signed, as yet another negative feeling came in place of a positive one when you were left alone.

from a distance, you could hear yelling. walking towards the sound, there were a few people in an alleyway.

there was a group of three guys who were surrounding a shorter boy, persisting him while he stood frozen in fear.

"so what you're saying is you don't have our money yet?" one of the guys said in a threatening tone, and the boy backed up a step.

"n-no, not, not yet.. i'm sorry," "well, i hate to break it to you, but sorry doesn't mean shit if you don't have our money."

at this you stepped into the alleyway, making your presence known.

the four people looked up, grimacing as you walked over.

"why are you picking on this poor kid?" you asked, staring between the three guys.

"this is none of your business, bitch. it'd be in your best interest to leave, before we beat the shit out of you." one of the guys spoke in a low tone, and your lips quirked into a grin.

"oh, you wanna bet on that? i think i could take you guys." the boy looked at you, terrified. you smiled softly at him, gently pushing him behind you.

one of the guys stepped in front of you, getting close to your face.

"back up." you stated lowly, but the tall boy didn't move. he stayed in place, smirking down at you maliciously.

taking that as a chance to fight, you got into the position you had practiced only minutes prior, and raised your fists to block your face.

you kept your chin down, staring up at him through your eyebrows.

"what, you think some fancy defence pose is gonna save you?" he taunted, but you stayed quiet, grinding your teeth together in anger.

the boy grew angry at your lack of response, raising a fist near your head. but you quickly dodged it, reeling back and striking your fist out, punching him straight in the gut.

he toppled over, clutching his stomach in pain.

the two boys behind him stared on with widened eyes, not daring to move an inch.

'cowards,' you thought silently, landing a kick on the guy in front of you, landing on his nose.

he grunted in pain, and seeing that he wasn't going to get up, the boys behind him moved forward to attack you at the same time.

you dodged their punches narrowly, keeping your feet shoulders width apart and in a flash you punched one of the guys, sending him a few steps back as he shook out of his dazed state.

the one you didn't hit, charged towards you and you looked down at his feet, seeing that they were close together.

taking that as an advantage, you swept your feet over his and he feel to the ground with a thud.

none of the boys went after you anymore, and you smiled in triumph.

"don't be dumbasses and go after anyone who's smaller than you," you spoke, before leading the shorter boy who'd watched the scene play out, out of the alleyway and a few blocks away.

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