꒰💕꒱ #2

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"Kabir , it's totally fine . You don't have to...." Kabir didn't let Sneha complete her sentence as he hold her wrist and pulled her close

Sneha was smiling inside and looked at Yuvika who's also smiling at her.

"It's okay . Just a kiss Sneha . It won't harm right ?" Kabir said fully under control of alcohol.

Sneha blinked her eyes . Finally her dream is going to fulfil . The person whom she is loving more than 3 years, finally she's able to kiss him that too infront of everyone.

While Kabir was imagining Avni in place of Sneha. He missed her badly. In every second of his life , he miss her. Damn

Kabir closed his eyes and angled her face to deepens the kiss

"Kabir " Sneha gasped when Kabir's hungry lips started exploring her .

She closed her eyes tightly and let him do what he wants.

Kabir was imagining Avni but the feeling is not same what's used to be long ago when they're together .

He opened his eyes with a jolt.

"Kabir what're you doing ?" Rohan came inside and found his best friend in a devastating state

Kabir looked at his surroundings and Sneha touched their forehead.

"Avni " he mumbled in an inaudible voice

Then jerked off her hands from his cheeks

"Kabir " Sneka got up followed by Kabir from the seat .

"Don't touch me Sneha " Kabir screamed and she gulped seeing his angry eyes.

"Don't you dare to touch me with your filthy hands " With this he left the club in hurry and got inside his car .

"I hate you Avni " he mumbled and called Rohan

"I'm inside the car . Come fast" with this he cut the call before Rohan can say anything .

Rohan also left behind him but Dhruv called him asking forgiveness then he got call from Kabir and he knew Kabir is so much angry

Rohan got inside and Kabir immediately started driving

No one said anything , not even a single word exchanged between them

Rohan knew his friend nature and how much he love Avni. So he choose to shut his mouth because Kabir needs time to proceed everything what just happened.


Next morning both went to Delhi at the first flight from Mumbai .

"Mom" Kabir said and Mrs. Dixit saw him on the door step from the kitchen.

She came towards them in hurry and hugged her son

"Kabir " She showered kisses and her eyes got teary

"Mom . Mom I'm fine look" Kabir wiped his mothers tears and kissed her forehead

"Rohan beta " Anupama Dixit looked at Rohan beside Kabir and spread her arms to welcome him

"You forgot me mom "

"Shut up Monkey. Mother's never forgets their sons okay. I love you beta " Anupama caressed Rohan's hairs and kissed his forehead

Kabir looked at his father shit .. he still looks so angry with specs

"Dad ... how are you Dad?" Kabir said with trembling voice

"I'm fine ." Came Mr. Dixit's stern voice

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