1. The 'not' private pool

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"Trust me, Tae

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"Trust me, Tae. It's gonna be great. You know he's a great director."

Taehyung wanted to cry. So he did. A fake one. "Namjoonie hyung," just the way his voice modified itself according to his exaggeratedly pulled-down lips was enough to tell Namjoon Taehyung was fake-crying. 

"I understand you being so anxious about me accepting or rejecting Jung Hoseok-ssi's offer, and I really appreciate you being so excited about taking me forward in my career, but...." he sniffled to add effect, "....it's...it's three in the morning, hyung!!" he cried again, adding a wail and a whine at the end. "YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SLEEP AND LET OTHERS SLEEP RIGHT NOW!!" 

Namjoon chuckled sheepishly at that. "You're right, I'm sorry. Go catch your beauty sleep, I'll reply to Hoseok-ssi that you are excited about the role he is offering you," he said and hung up before Taehyung could even register what he said. 

When he did register, he frantically tried to call his manager back, because holy shit, he wasn't ready to be cast in a historical gay movie as one of the main leads. 

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" he yelled and almost threw his phone at the wall before remembering that it was his phone and settled to throw it on his bed instead when he found Namjoon's phone switched off. 

Having lost whatever little sleep had graced his eyes, he sighed and got off the bed. He pulled his bathrobe tight around his slim body and poured himself a glass of wine. 

When things became too much or when he needed time to just sit and think, he always poured himself a glass of wine and sat on a chair by his private swimming pool. Staring at the calm water, especially at night when no light other than the one of the moon shone on the water, gave his brain immense energy to structure its thoughts. 

This time was no different. 

Or so he thought. 

Because not more than two minutes later of him analyzing the pros and cons of starring in a gay movie directed and produced by Jung Hoseok, one of the most famous directors in the country, he started to realize that the water in his pool wasn't as calm as it was supposed to always be. 

Unless someone was swimming underwater, he couldn't explain why his pool was suddenly trying to behave like an ocean. 

Waves weren't supposed to form in a swimming pool, for god's sake!!

And really ancient-looking people weren't supposed to emerge from the pool and scare the shit out of the house owners while looking like they were shooting for some water-related advertisement.

Private swimming pools are called 'private' for a reason, for fuck's sake!!

Taehyung literally fell off his chair, spilling his wine all over his white bathrobe because of the mini heart attack that the man in the pool suddenly gave him. Both with his sudden appearance and his killer looks. 

Taehyung wanted to scream, but his voice wouldn't work. He wanted to ask the man what on earth he had been doing in his pool all this while, but all that happened was that his lips trembled open and close with no sound coming out. 

His heart was out of his throat and on the floor in front of him, beating like a fish out of water and he wished his hands trembled a little less so that he could pick it up and throw it back into his chest. 

It thundered so hard, Taehyung thought this was the end. He was going to die, he was going to die, he was going to-

The man looked around and caught his eye. 


For some reason, he couldn't look away from the man. 

And he couldn't speak!! 

He wanted to ask what that man was doing in his pool, he wanted to ask him not to kill him, he wanted to ask him what his hair care routine was - because holy hell, that man had thick and straight hair long enough to reach his waist - he wanted to call for the security, he wanted to ask the man to get the fuck out of his private villa, but his voice wouldn't work!!

"You there!!" the man called out and Taehyung's eyes widened. Was that man calling him?! He looked around and found no one else behind him. Why would he? It was his own house and he lived in it alone. 


Taehyung pointed to himself questioningly, only realizing then that the man had been trying to get out of the pool until then. If he hadn't been so confused and terrified out of his mind, he probably would have laughed at the fact that the man seemed to have forgotten that a swimming pool contains a ladder to get out of it.

"Yes, you!! Help me out."

Taehyung finally found it in himself to scoff. This man was here to kill him and he wants his help?! Like hell he was going to help him!! Even if he was, did the man not know how to use a 'please' in his words?!

"Did you not hear me, you peasant?! Help me out of this bath!! This instant!!" 

Taehyung scoffed again, his eyes widening to the size of little moons in incredulity. 

The audacity of this man!!

"eXcUsE YOU?!"

Taehyung blinked, seeing as the man seemed to have realized that Taehyung wouldn't help him. 

He was almost about to smirk at the man's helplessness, almost, but the man's arm crossed against his chest and the next second, he was pulling a long sword out of nowhere.

And Taehyung panicked.

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