14. Fatal

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In all the nine hours that Taehyung had been with Jeongguk so far, he hadn't thought he would ever witness the uptight Prince let everything go and get as excited as a little kid would

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In all the nine hours that Taehyung had been with Jeongguk so far, he hadn't thought he would ever witness the uptight Prince let everything go and get as excited as a little kid would. 

And so a highly overwhelming bout of affection attacked his heart when he saw Jeongguk getting excited about hearing Namjoon from the phone and realizing that he could actually talk to someone so far away from him. 

His doe eyes, always cold and stern and judgemental, suddenly went wide in exhilaration and sparkled as if they were suddenly sprinkled with stardust. His lips pulled up in a wide smile that popped out really cute bunny teeth that Taehyung did NOT expect from him. His nose scrunched up as he grinned at Taehyung and then back at his phone. 

And Taehyung suddenly understood why Jeongguk said he didn't smile without a reason. 

Because it was fatal. 

It was so fatal, it could kill people with its cuteness and brightness. 

Like it did Taehyung. 

"Do you wanna try calling someone else?" he asked after the heated call with Namjoon(who calmed down after hearing Jeongguk squeal "NAMJOON-NIM!!" at him when given a chance to speak), just so he could keep seeing that smile for a little more while. He hoped Jeongguk didn't remember out of the blue that he was smiling and dropped it like a hot potato. 

Jeongguk nodded excitedly, the stardust in his eyes moving as his eyeballs bounced. "Jimin-nim!!" he exclaimed, even his voice sounding like a little boy in excitement. 

And so Taehyung held his phone up and quickly clicked a picture of Jeongguk's smiling - grinning - face before putting it back down. 

Poor Jeongguk didn't even realize it. He just waited impatiently for Taehyung to call Jimin. 

Deciding that he wanted to see what else Jeongguk could do in excitement, Taehyung decided to video call Jimin. 

"JIMIN-NIM!!" Jeongguk all but yelled when Jimin's face appeared on the screen. Jimin, who seemed confused, now only mouthed 'aww' at a shocked Jeongguk, who shot up from his seat (throne, really, with the way he sat on it) and did a little tap-dance-like-excited-dance when he realized that he was not only talking to someone far away but was also looking at them as he talked. 

Watching him marvel at Jimin's face on the screen, Taehyung felt a strong urge to put Jeongguk in his locker and lock him up. This wasn't a healthy combination. Jeongguk couldn't just be hot-as-fuck a second and cute-as-fuck the other and still expect not to get kidnapped by perverts like Taehyung himself. 

"Call me hyung, Jeongguk. I call you by your name too, remember?" 

Those words brought Jeongguk back to his senses and he finally realized what he had been doing all this while. He abruptly put all his guards back up and looked at Taehyung with a very unamused expression. "I shall not fall for these cheap tricks," he said. 

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