28. Prince Seo Dae Shin

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Jimin never managed to understand what was happening in his life

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Jimin never managed to understand what was happening in his life. 

Not until he saw Jeongyeon. 

Everything just clicked into place like puzzle pieces the second he saw her.

Why things happened in his life, he understood everything a little too clearly. 

It all started when he was sixteen. The age when the oldest son of the King is declared as the crown prince of the kingdom. 

He was already wonderful at fighting. No one could ever beat him. Still, he wasn't interested in ruling the Kingdom. So he gave up his kingdom to his younger brother and went on a voyage to clear his mind and decide what he wanted to do with his life.

After enough amount of days of travel and nothing to do, he came to the decision that he would return to the Kingdom, become the Commander In Chief of his brother's army and help him fight his battles. He decided to do what he was naturally good at. 

But fate had other plans. That night, the ocean turned violent and the journey became bumpy. Thinking it was a storm, he came out of his room on the ship to see and enjoy the sight of the waves dancing under the moonlight.

Instead of the waves dancing, however, he saw a beautiful maiden floating on the water at a distance. Her beauty matched none he had ever seen before. It put the moonlight to shame. 

Her gown flew around, and so did her hair, as she reached out for the Prince. "Come to me, my Prince," she whispered, but he heard her clearly as if she spoke right in his head. 

And he became so mesmerized and drawn to her that without a second thought, he jumped into the raging waves underneath. He tried his best to swim to her, but he only kept moving in circles with her staying just out of his reach.

She called for him earnestly, but the water around him only grew more intense and faster. It turned into a giant whirlpool and soon, he got sucked into the eye of the whirlpool with the maiden in his mind.

When he opened his eyes, he was in a strange world. Everything was futuristic, people were using coins to trade necessities instead of trading other necessary items in exchange, their clothes were different, their words were different, and his kingdom's name changed, it took him a really long time to realize that some magic happened and that he was in the future. 

But by then, the damage was already done. People around him deemed him mad and insulted and illtreated him. Still, he didn't give up. He decided to look for his maiden instead. It was as if he had really lost his mind ever since he had seen her in the waters. 

Two years passed. Two years of him sleeping on riversides and under trees and eating what nature offered him and wearing what very few people took pity on and threw at him. 

And he finally got tired of searching for the maiden. He didn't want to think of her anymore. 

The past two years had made him realize that there was no going back. By coming to the future, he had already set centuries' worth of life-stories going. If he went back, he would be responsible for killing all those people who were born before but got no chance to be born anymore. 

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