23. Servant

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Two Months, Two Weeks, Two Days, Two Hours, Two Minutes, Two Seconds, Two Milliseconds later

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Two Months, Two Weeks, Two Days, Two Hours, Two Minutes, Two Seconds, Two Milliseconds later...

"Isn't he adorable?!" Taehyung exclaimed excitedly, letting the little pomeranian walk all over him. 

"I've decided to name him Kim Yeontan. It's a cute name, isn't it? A cute name for my cute puppy-son. I can't wai-"

"Who are you talking to?" 

"ARGHH!!" Taehyung screamed and turned the live off frantically before looking up at Jeongguk in horror. 

"Shit! You scared me!" he exclaimed and patted his heart dramatically before frowning at Jeongguk. "Couldn't you knock before entering?! What am I gonna tell my followers now?!" he asked, knowing Jeongguk still didn't know what a 'fan' meant. 

"You were talking to your followers? I only saw your face on your phone screen," Jeongguk seemed confused. 

"That's how we talk to them. But that's not the point!! Everyone heard you!! You are supposed to knock before entering someone's room!!" 

"I did knock. You were the one who was too lost in your puppy to notice it. That and your so-called followers," Jeongguk made a disgusted face. 

Taehyung gaped at him. "Tannie is my baby!! Not just my pUpPy!!" he made the same disgusted face Jeongguk made, with a hundred times more annoyance on his own.

"Not the point. You can tell your followers it was your father if you are that scared. Dinner's ready. Come and have your share before I eat it."

"Fin-" Jeongguk was already gone by then. 

Sighing and rolling his eyes, Taehyung restarted the live. "Sorry, guys, that was my father. I didn't even know he was going to visit, gave me quite the scare, hahaha. I gotta go now, anyway. He came to tell me my mom would break my legs if I didn't go down to the living room in the next five minutes. And I'm a good son, what can I say? Annyeong, guys. See you all next time!!" he waved and ended the live peacefully this time before picking his 'baby' up in his arms and heading out, only to bump quite painfully into Jeongguk's hard chest. 

"You have quite a talent for lying," Jeongguk commented, making Taehyung roll his eyes yet again. "Don't make me smack you again," he said, alluding to the fact that he had resorted to hitting Jeongguk repeatedly on his chest a couple of days ago after Taehyung worked hard on making food for him and Jeongguk said he preferred 'Ajeomma's food' more. 



"I would like to have some wine after dinner." 

"Sure. But I won't join you. Not in the mood."

"Alright," Jeongguk said, but Taehyung couldn't help but notice how downtrodden Jeongguk suddenly looked. Smiling to himself, "I'll give you some sober company, though," he said, already regretting his choice of words. "Before you ask, sober means to not get drunk."

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