22. Teacher?

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The door to the guestroom in which Jimin was sleeping burst open

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The door to the guestroom in which Jimin was sleeping burst open. 

It was early in the morning and Jeongguk knew Jimin would either still be knocked out from all the alcohol he drank or would be dealing with a heavy hangover at the moment, but he didn't care. 

He had spent the entire night tossing and turning around, his mind stubbornly refusing to stop coming up with theories. 

And he had been considerate enough, letting Jimin sleep the entire night. 

Now he needed answers. 

"I need to talk to you," he said, not even bothering to wait for Jimin, who was slowly getting off the bed with his head in his hand. 

"What now?" Jimin groaned. He couldn't come up with enough curses for himself. He always suffered from terrible hangovers every time he drank, but he somehow still shamelessly managed to get drunk when someone offered him a drink. 

"Don't you remember what you did yesterday?" Jeongguk asked. 

Jimin froze. What did he do? He knew he had very low alcohol tolerance. While it did nothing to his fighting skills, it certainly ruined his brain-to-mouth and brain-to-limb filters. What could he have done to warrant Jeongguk's early morning visit?! He wished he didn't blabber everything. 

"You are my teacher," Jeongguk said, seeing as Jimin wasn't answering him. At least not verbally. His body language spoke volumes, however. 

'Damn it,' Jimin cursed. This was why people with secrets weren't supposed to drink. How much had he blabbered?! Did Jeongguk also know that Jimin was-

"Don't try to talk me out of this. I don't know how what or why, but I know you are my teacher. You know what is happening, don't you? That is why you accepted my story when I told you where and when I'm from. You asked me to show you my seal. You knew me then, didn't you?" 

Jimin slowly turned around and faced Jeongguk with a sheepish smile. "I don't know what you are talking about, Gguk," he said, using the nickname that Taehyung had come up with.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Jeongguk lowered his voice. "You could lift my sword like it weighed nothing, something that people of this century can't do. You showed the unique sword move you taught me and my brother when we were young. You smirked at me knowingly when you ended the dance. You called me 'young master'. You are my teacher, I know it."

"First of all, Tae literally has noodle arms. Just because he couldn't lift your sword doesn't mean the rest of us can't. I know whatever move you are talking about because that is something that has been passed down in our family for generations. We learn martial arts and sword fighting as children. That's our family tradition. When we turn old enough, our fathers teach us that move. It's sweet that you think I'm your teacher, but I'm not."

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