46. Important Advice

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"I'm planning to start something historical again," Hoseok said as he sipped his wine slowly

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"I'm planning to start something historical again," Hoseok said as he sipped his wine slowly. 

"Ohh? That's great! Is it fiction again?" Seokjin asked while Taehyung nodded along to the question. 

Upon Hoseok's assurance that he wasn't visiting him with any special purpose, Taehyung had also invited Namjoon and Seokjin home - Jimin and Jeongyeon were a given - and thus, they had had dinner together and were now settled in the living room with bottles of wine and whiskey on the coffee table. 

"Nope. It's going to be based on history again. I don't know why, but he's been obsessed with history for a few months now," Yoongi said. 

"Can I give you s-some advice?" Jeongguk asked, surprisingly sounding drunk. He was normally the most tolerant towards alcohol among them all. Seeing him drunk was a cultural shock to all of them including Taehyung. He didn't know why but this night, Jeongguk brought all of his guards down and drank to his heart's content.

"Yeah, sure," Hoseok said. 

Jeongguk leaned forward and placed - slammed - his wine glass on the table before crossing his legs and resting his elbow on his knee. He pointed his finger at Hoseok clumsily and let a hiccup pass before starting. 

"Do you research properly bef-before you start something historical, es...especially if it is based on someone's s-story. I o-once saw a movie. It w-was the worst!!" his elbow slipped from his knee from the intensity of his sudden anger and he flopped forward, but he was way too drunk to feel embarrassed about it. 

Taehyung, who felt embarrassed in his stead, quickly abandoned his wine glass and pulled him up and against his own side, giving his body support to lean on. 

"Ggukie, shut up," Taehyung said, knowing what movie Jeongguk was talking about. There was only one historical non-fiction movie that Jeongguk had watched.

"Wh-Why shut up?" he asked Taehyung exaggeratedly before looking back at Hoseok. "I'm only giv-giving my opinion s-so that you can do b-better than that horr-rrible movie," he placed both of his hands on his chest and then stretched them towards Hoseok. 

Taehyung exchanged a worried glance with Jimin, who just gestured for him to let it go. "I think he drank so much because he's just happy about the house you're building for him. He came and cried to me about it earlier saying he was too happy and that he didn't need anything else in his life except for you," he leaned and whispered in Taehyung's ear. 

Taehyung missed Hoseok's question, but he didn't mind. His heart melted and he subtly tightened his hold around Jeongguk and pulled him closer, though his lips fell at Jeongguk's next words. 

"I don't r-remember the name, but it w-was about me," Jeongguk slammed his hand on his chest twice with a hiccup punctuating it.

"I see," Hoseok sat back and threw a glance at Taehyung. The horror and fear on his face were enough to tell Hoseok that Jeongguk was indeed talking about his own movie. Still, he had learned over the years the difference between people who criticize genuinely and people who do it just to insult. 

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