39. Heist

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"This is where I was born!"

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"This is where I was born!"

"That's my brother's room! And this is mine! Come in, let me show you around!"

"Everything's changed, it's not the same anymore, but the basic building is the same. I used to love taking long baths filled with different scented oils. Lavender was my most favourite!" 

"My father used to sit here, my mother here, me and my brother here! The dining table is huge, I know, but it used to be completely full of food and people whenever there were diplomatic meetings!" 

"This is where me and my brother used to play all the time! We used to play hide and seek and my brother still doesn't know where I used to hide every time! I'll show you that next! It's a secret passage that leads you straight out of the palace's compound wall!" 

Jeongguk didn't let a single word get out of Taehyung's mouth as he showed Taehyung around his home. 

"This is where I fought all those men that my brother sent to attack me. That hall right there showed me his true colours."

"No offence, Ggukie, but I hate your brother," Taehyung said when he saw where Jeongguk pointed. He entered the room and pouted when Jeongguk showed exactly where his family was sitting when he heard his brother's traitorous words. 

"I hate that he did that to me, but I don't hate him," Jeongguk said in a small voice. 

Taehyung only nodded in return, wanting to know more about the palace that no one could ever tell and know instead. It made him feel proud that he was getting so much insider information that no one would ever get.

"Shall we see that passage you were talking about?" he asked. 

"No, let us use that passage to get out of the palace when we leave. I will show you another passage through which you can enter the palace. We can leave normally after that," Jeongguk said, grinning excitedly at the prospect of showing his lover every nook and corner of his home. 

"Sure! There's a building behind the palace that has old paintings and information about the palace. We can go there too. It might make you sad, but you do need to know what happened after you disappeared, right?" 

"Yes, of course, we shall go there after we explore the passages and then we can leave," Jeongguk said. He didn't miss how Taehyung said knowing what happened after he disappeared might make him sad. And he didn't want that sadness to dampen his mood and stop him from showing his home to Taehyung. 

"Oh!" Jeongguk exclaimed suddenly. "Do you want to see a childhood portrait of mine?" he asked. He didn't know if it was still there, but if no one after him discovered the secret loft in his room, then his painting would definitely still be there. Along with all the other favourite things that he had saved up there. 

Taehyung's eyes lit up. "Of course!" he exclaimed and both of them all but ran back to Jeongguk's room. 

Taehyung wondered how Jeongguk's painting could have been preserved for so long if not by the heritage workers, but he didn't have to wonder for long. 

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