20. More frustration

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"Cut!" the man sitting next to Namjoon - Jung Hoseok - yelled into his 'mic'

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"Cut!" the man sitting next to Namjoon - Jung Hoseok - yelled into his 'mic'. 

Yes, Jeongguk now knew what it was, and had ordered Taehyung to buy him one, but Taehyung stubbornly refused to do so until Jeongguk requested him instead.

"How was it?" the man named Seokjin asked with a grin, looking as if he didn't require any assurance anyways. 

'The worst,' Jeongguk wanted to say. 

Watching Taehyung act was only fun until he and Jimin wandered around aimlessly like two jobless people and made fun of each other. He started hating it the second Seokjin entered, looking all arrogant and cocky and so confident of himself.

He hated the way Seokjin and Taehyung looked at each other and seemed to have lost themselves in each other's eyes. He hated the way Taehyung weaved through a crowd after that and Seokjin followed him like a lost puppy. He hated how openly Seokjin seemed to be showing his love for Taehyung, a man. 

Things seemed so wrong to him on so many different levels, he didn't even know where to start. 

Just the other day, Taehyung had told him that men being together with men was perfectly alright. Jeongguk had never judged someone as hard as he did Taehyung that day despite knowing he himself felt something for Taehyung. 

On top of that, he came to know that Namjoon was married to a man, that Taehyung liked men and that the movie he was currently acting in was a 'gay' movie - a concept Jeongguk was still trying to wrap his head around, that Taehyung was going to act like he was in love with Namjoon's husband, that Namjoon's husband had no problem with it, that Namjoon was visibly glaring at everyone who even dared to look at his husband but no one bothered about it...Jeongguk could keep going. 

Jung Hoseok, 'the director' as Taehyung had described him, however, seemed to think otherwise, seeing as he kissed his hand and pretended to throw it at Taehyung and Seokjin. 

Jeongguk saw red at that. How dare he?! 

He charged forward, seeing nothing other than Hoseok's head that he had to bash in, but Namjoon held him back by his bicep. Seeing as Namjoon was already in a bad mood, Jeongguk stayed back. He empathized slightly with Namjoon's feelings, after all. 

"PERFECT!!" Hoseok yelled, his lips pulling up in a grin that almost blinded everyone around. "You guys did it exactly the way I pictured the scene!!" he complimented, making both Seokjin and Taehyung light up. 

Jeongguk didn't know what was so good about a married man pretending to fall in love with another man - his husband's close friend - especially when his upset husband was standing right there. 

The shooting went on for quite some time and Jeongguk only kept boiling more and more. When they took a break and Taehyung returned to his trailer with Namjoon and Jeongguk right behind him, he barely even acknowledged Taehyung asking him what was wrong with his mood. 

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