33. The camera

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One Month, One Week, One Day, One Hour, One Minute, One Second, One Millisecond later

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One Month, One Week, One Day, One Hour, One Minute, One Second, One Millisecond later...

"Ggukie," Taehyung chuckled, trying his best to hold his laughter back but failing utterly. 

The controversy died down pretty quickly when none of them reacted to it other than suing the karaoke room owners. It became crystal clear that Jimin and Jeongyeon were a couple and that Taehyung and Jeongguk were at least flirting with each other if not a couple. Everyone accepted it and people who did not were open to have their opinions. None of them cared about it. 

By then, everyone at the set also accepted that Jeongguk was slightly strange and that Taehyung still kept him around for some reason. So they just went with whatever was happening without questioning anything.  

There were times when a few of them almost shat their pants because of Jeongguk's behaviour, just like the cameraman at the moment, but it did provide a lot of entertainment to the rest of them.

"Jeongguk," Hoseok laughed out loud, "ask him nicely and he'll give it to you. You don't have to go up to his face and glare at him like that."

After waking up the day after Taehyung's birthday dinner with a heavy hangover and finding the previous night's events too weird, they had all gotten an explanation of who Jeongguk and Jeongyeon actually were. Deciding that it was better to not keep things from their close friend circle, especially seeing as Hoseok and Yoongi were still extremely pissed at Jeongguk, Taehyung had explained it over breakfast. 

It had taken Seokjin, Yoongi and Hoseok a long time to accept it, but a lot of things Jeongguk and Jeongyeon did suddenly made sense to them. And so Hoseok and Yoongi also forgave Jeongguk for pointing his sword at Yoongi. They had realized that he had only done what he thought was right, not to disrespect Yoongi. 

And ever since then, they had also started treating Jeongguk like their youngest brother, something that seriously pissed Jeongguk off and hurt his ego. Still, he let it go, seeing as Taehyung found entertainment in the way they treated him. 

Jeongguk looked at Hoseok and raised an eyebrow angrily. Despite it being months now, he still couldn't accept it completely. Who was he to tell Jeongguk to 'ask nicely'?

"I'm so sorry, sir, please just give it to him once," Taehyung requested politely but with an underlying hint of heavy amusement. 

Jeongguk, with his hands held behind his back authoritatively, tilted his chin up slightly and smirked at the cameraman. "Give it," he said. 

When Taehyung wasn't around, he had asked him politely. But it hadn't worked. Before he could glare at him and win it instead, Taehyung had come back for him and thus the show now. 

Over the months, especially after the controversy, he realized that Taehyung wasn't being arrogant and that he really was very famous and that people would fall at his feet if needed. 

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