11. Witchery

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Taehyung wanted to kill

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Taehyung wanted to kill. Murder was on his mind. 

The one to be murdered being Jimin, who had very cleverly taken Jeongyeon to his house, leaving Jeongguk to live with Taehyung after Namjoon left. 

"You wouldn't be comfortable living in the same house as your prince," had been his logic. When she fearfully looked at Jeongguk instead of answering him directly, "it's your decision, Jeongyeon. It's not his to take. He can only say yes or no to your decision," he had said. 

Again, as if he were hypnotized by Jimin's words, Jeongguk just nodded, giving her the freedom to choose. 

And she chose to live with Jimin. 

And so Taehyung wanted to kill. 

Because Jeongguk was now taking a 'house tour' and giving his utterly unnecessary opinions on everything around and Taehyung had no option but to follow as he did not want Jeongguk breaking any of his prized possessions. 

"I must appreciate the talent of this artist, he has captured your beauty flawlessly," Jeongguk commented on a photo of Taehyung with his arms crossed behind his back. 

Taehyung blushed and cleared his throat with a small amused smile. Leave it to Jeongguk to insult his tastes one second and 'compliment' him the next. Did this old man even know that he was flirting with him?!

"Thanks," he said, making Jeongguk look back at him with a frown. "I was talking about the artist," he said, pointing to the photo, "not you."

Taehyung was back to rolling his eyes. Of course, Jeongguk didn't even know he was complimenting Taehyung's looks indirectly, let alone knowing that he was flirting with Taehyung. 

"Sure. Can we stop now? I'll show you a movie or something if you are bored and wanna pass time. You don't have to do this random house inspection," Taehyung said. 

After assuring Namjoon that he was fine not acting in the movie if Seokjin was the prince in it, he ended up staying at home because he had no other work for the day. 

"What?" Jeongguk asked with an eyebrow raised. And it did things to Taehyung. Jeongguk looked too hot with the huge bun on his head and it really was doing things to him. And the knowledge that Jeongguk obviously found him attractive as well wasn't helping at all. 

"What?" he asked back. 

"What did you say you will show me?" 

"A movie. I can't explain what it is, 'cause that'd be very complicated, but all you need to know is that we watch it to entertain ourselves sometimes."

"I see. You were talking about a movie with Namjoon-nim and Jimin-nim earlier."

"Yes. You're smarter than I thought."

Jeongguk raised his eyebrow again. "It does not sound like a compliment," he said, his voice deepening in an untold warning. 

It made Taehyung's legs weak for a totally non-fearful reason. "I-It was. Let's go and watch a movie?" he suggested. 

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